Dr Nicolya Williams

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You Have A Purpose

 I really loved the responses from my last post so this week I decided I would share another affirmation!You matter and you must know that!Say this aloud:I have an important purpose. I know my life has an ultimate function. I have an important role. My life matters, and my existence is significant.  I avoid desperation or confusion because I know I have a crucial purpose. I seek out opportunities that expand on this. I focus on goals that show me my purpose. I study along this journey and pick up new ideas. I use the knowledge to expand my mind and discover my purpose. I take each opportunity to explore the world around me, so I can learn even more. I decide what is important in my life.  I live by my own principles. I have morals and values that propel me forward. Yet, I am flexible enough to change when it is necessary. I can mold and nurture my purpose because I have control over my life. I find the motivation that I need. I seek out and discover the encouragement that helps me. My motivation flows from my purpose. I take steps to increase my knowledge each day. I set goals and pay attention to my accomplishments. All of these things add up to my purpose on this planet. Today, I see my purpose in life. I appreciate the role I play. I have value and my life makes a difference in this universe. Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I find my purpose?
  2. What can I do to cultivate my purpose and nourish it?
  3. How can I help others find their purpose and encourage them along their journey?