Dr Nicolya Williams

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Writing a novella

Long gone are the days when people wanted extensively long books. Now that readers still love the beauty of a good story but want a microwaved version what options do authors have?
Authors could consider writing a series of books or as an author you can consider writing a novella. Now for those who are not familiar with novellas but novels instead the biggest difference is size of the book and that a novella has a little more rapid pace.
Simply put a novella is a short novel or long short story, and the genre is fiction. Typically a  novella is shorter than a full-length novel but longer than a short story. They are typically about 60 to 120 pages, or 20,000-50,000 words.  In comparison most novels are around 80,000 words.
While this page length can seem overwhelming many people opt to write a novella instead of an actual novel
Here are 4 things to consider when writing a novella
1. Consider reading some other novellas to see if you like the style, structure and if it is attractive to you.
2. Consider your audience. Will they be intrigued by a novella or thrown off. While it may be tempting as an author to do what suites you ultimately you have to consider your audience and what most resonates with them.
3. Consider what the main plot will be and structure your story with that. You do not want a lot of stories inside of one story especially with a novella because this can elongate it.
4. Consider self publishing. Most novellas can be costly to print so some publishing companies may reject them, but do not let this throw you off. It's just an important aspect to consider.Often novella's in it's original form is problematic for print publishing primarily because of space considerations.
The best aspect of novellas is that they are the exact length they are supposed to be and just as impactful and entertaining as novels. Some of the greatest writers began by writing novellas. If you’ve ever wanted to write a fiction book but feel overwhelmed by the prospect of writing a full novel, you might consider writing a novella
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