Dr Nicolya Williams

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Creating a safe space in your home

It’s common knowledge that interior design can affect your mood and well-being.

So take a moment and consider what message your environment sends.

if you're like most of us you could benefit from a shift so today I want to talk about creating a safe space in your home and why it's important.

Now the process of creating it does not have to be anything outlandish...in fact, it can be quite simple.

Everyone’s place of peace is going to look different. It’s based on what we need to feel in order to attract the peace we desire.  I could tell you to add greenery or to pick your favorite color and paint it but the reality is you have to do what is best for you.

Creating a sacred place is about setting aside a part of your environment to dedicate to your overall emotional well-being. This place could be used for yoga meditation, journaling, and prayer

You don’t need an entire room or this big outstanding secret space. It can literally be the corner of a room or a closet.

Here are the simple steps to creating your safe space
1- consider what you will do while in your safe space so that you know the materials you need

2- Choose a location in your home

3- create a routine and a schedule so that you can commit to using that space for what you desire 

4- get the people in your household involved so they understand and respect that space

The biggest benefit of creating a safe space is it serves as a break from everything going on and allows you to tune into taking care of yourself. We all desire and deserve to have peace in our life.

The best thing about this is it is something that you can create.

How can you commit to creating a safe and peaceful place within your current environment?

Check out my latest video to learn more​​