Dr Nicolya Williams

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What's the point of creating a course if it doesn't STAND OUT?

One struggle many women have when creating courses is that they wonder if people will actually want their course.
I hear people say things like this all the time:
"There are a million courses about "finances" why will anyone want to buy mine?"
"I am not an expert so why should people buy from me?"
Here's the truth........There are millions of mansions in the world, but that doesn't stop people from wanting to live in them. There are a million blogs in the world, but we all find ones that we feel most connected to.
What if your favorite actor never acted because there was someone already doing it?
What if your favorite author never wrote their book, because there was already a book on that topic?
In the end your people need to hear from YOU. Sure they could purchase so and so's course on the same subject, but will it impact them in the same way?
This is why you have your unique experiences, and perspective so that you can help the people you were called to help.
So create your course and know that your people will need the lessons from YOU!
Once people understand this they begin to wonder "how can I be sure that people will find my course?"
Your  job is to make sure your course STANDS OUT. There are 32,000 courses on Udemy alone (this doesn't include other online learning platforms) so you want to be sure that yours stands out so that your learners can find it
Seriously, what's the point of creating a course, if you aren't able to make sure it stands out?
That's where I come in. I am giving you a chance to sign up for my Make Your Course Stand out training where you will learn the steps you need to implement in order to ensure you create a course that sells. The first hint I will share now: don't wait until after your course is created to start thinking of  a strategy to help it stand out, there are things you need to begin NOW.
Sign up here to get started right away: https://nicolyawilliams.com/makeyourcoursestandout