Dr Nicolya Williams

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5 Steps To Become A Better Writer

"I want to be a writer" --- I hear this all of the time.  But what is a writer? All in all a writer is a person who makes a regular practice of writing (whether to be published, whether for self-care or maybe just because). While writing for some people feels easy and for others, overwhelming writing is a tool we can all adopt if we truly want to. For most of us we haven't written consistently since high school or college. So today I want to share 5 ways you can become a consistent and better writer:
1. Determine why you want to be a writer and adopt that identity. If you do not have a strong why for writing you will never be consistent with it. Identify why this is important to you and then identify as a writer. If you always think writing is hard it will always be hard. In the same way, you identify as being a mother, wife, student etc also acknowledge that you're a writer as well. Next time someone asks you what you do, tell them you’re a writer, when it becomes a part of your identity it will change the way you feel about and approach your writing.
2. Write consistently. The reality is we are creatures of habit. The best thing you can do is begin to create the habit of writing consistently. Pick a time that you will write and make it a part of your normal routine. Before you know it, it will feel weird when you're not writing.
3. Pick your place It can be challenging to write in certain places due to distractions etc. Determine where you're going to be most successful at writing and write there consistently. Also know that from time to time you may want to change the place up to get more creative ideas and a change of scenery.
4. Be intentional. A big mistake that writers make is they expect to sit down and just free flow with writing. That's usually what keeps them stuck and overwhelmed. Choose to instead create a layout of what you want to write and even an outline so that you're more intentional during your writing time.
5. When you're writing be sure to write. It is tempting to allow your mind to go a million different ways or to try to multi-task, but research says when we multitask we actually teach our brain to underperform. Choose to instead dedicate your writing time solely for writing. What distractions will need to move out of your way to make writing your focus?
All in all, writing requires dedication and committeemen, but it is so worth it!
If you're looking for more support on your writing and publishing journey sign up for the FREE aspiring author jump-start kit here: https://nicolyawilliams.com/aspiringauthorkit/