Dr Nicolya Williams

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4 Simple Strategies To Ramp Up Your Revenue As A Coach

As a new coach sometimes it can feel close to impossible to profit from your business. The good news is you don't have to wrack your brain trying to figure out how to make it happen. Today, I am going to share 4 ​simple strategies​ to​ ​​ramp up your revenue as a coach this year.​ ​

1. Create a stream of passive income stream. 

When you create passive income you create space for you to show up in other ways, while still building your revenue on the side. ​As a coach it's not uncommon to believe that we have to show up for every dollar we earn​ which eventually leds most coaches to burnout​. The truth is there are other ways to bring in money​ and creating a passive income source is a great strategy for this.​ Do you have old webinars, ​or ​trainings you can repurpose and sell. Do you have content that you could turn into a course to sell on autopilot. ​Consider ways you can use these opportunities for passive income. ​If you want to learn more about creating a course for your business sign up for my FREE masterclass learning how to take your content, create a course and increase your coins - www.nicolyawilliams.com/content-course-coins.

2. Share your value.

Many times we focus on the price of what we have to offer, or what the name of it will be, or how long the offer will last etc. The truth is if you want people to trust you and take that next step to invest you have to let them know what's in it for them. Whether its a discovery call you're hosting, a post you're making, or a live you're doing, be sure to share with your audience why this offer is relevant to them, why they need it now and what they will get from it therefore making it a no brainer to take the next step.

3. Raise your prices.

I am going to go ahead and challenge the biggest myth about business- You do NOT have to trade time for money. In fact, in business you should not because this is not a scalable approach to business. This can often feel super scary for many people, but simply put when you raise your price, you raise your revenue. I found when I raised my prices I actually brought in more clients because the price also spoke to the value of what I had to offer. The best way to begin raising your prices is to consider the value of what you have to offer, and their potential return (doesn't have to be financial) on the investment.

4. Change your perspective on sales.

When I used to think of sales I thought of the dad on the movie Matilda. He was a scammy sleazy salesman and I never wanted someone to consider me one of those people. The difference is what he was selling and doing was a scam and what I had to offer was life changing. I therefore had to shift my perspective about sales and come to learn that my selling was a service. It truly benefits NOONE for you to play small. If what you have to offer the world is valuable and life changing it is your obligation to tell the world about it. And think of it like this. If you watched an amazing movie or read a super dope book you would share it, so why would you not share what you have to offer other people that could bless them.

If you're sick and tired of  trying to force and hustle your way through business I have an amazing gift for you. In my FREE 3 day profitable coach challenge I will literally teach you the tools you need to increase your magnetism, impact and income.  Join us here!