How to Cultivate Your Entrepreneurial Mindset
Prioritizing mindset changed the game for me in my business. If you’re anything like I was- you likely are sick of talking or hearing about mindset or maybe you even feel like it’s a hoax. I avoided talking , learning and applying mindset strategies in my business because I thought it was “overrated”.
It wasn’t until I decided to really give it a go that things began to change for me TREMENDOUSLY. It’s crazy weird to see how much easier things became. When I prioritized my mindset I was able to work with my clients more in depth, bring in more income, take more time off and fall in love with my business again!
Now please note that the entrepreneurial mindset is different than what we are often taught in society. An entrepreneurial mindset is a set of beliefs, thought processes, and ways of viewing the world that drives entrepreneurial behavior and success.
There are many benefits to having a strong mindset as an entrepreneur. For example:
Helps you to align your life with your success
Helps you to operate from flow not force
Helps to reinforce your most intimate beliefs, attitudes and feelings about yourself
It strengthens both your confidence and resilience and so much more...
All of which you need to build a profitable and impactful business . If you’re like most people you’re likely wondering how to get there. Don’t worry, boo. I got you.
Here are three ways to cultivate your entrepreneurial mindset:
Spend Time With Other Entrepreneurs
Research says we are an average of the top 5 people we spend time with!
If you’re around people who play small you will to! If you’re around people who believe in themselves and take risks you will too! It’s imperative surround yourself with people who understand your journey and are supportive of it!
Take some time to foster relationships with entrepreneurs who have been in your shoes. Learn from their successes and failures. This will help you to foster a growth mindset, which is one of the best tools you can have to create the success you desire and deserve!
Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
There is nothing comfortable about being an entrepreneur. I am saying that to be honest! Being an entrepreneur involves rejection, risk, failure, embarrassment, anxiety, criticism, tears, and self doubt.
None of this is fun!
But one thing I have learned along the way is that whenever you take a risk, you will either win or you’ll learn. And failure is the best teacher there is.
Prioritize Learning and Growth
It’s tempting to look at a successful entrepreneurs and assume they’ve got it all figured out. But the most successful entrepreneurs will be the first to acknowledge that they’ll NEVER know it all. They’re constantly pursuing new knowledge and new ideas. They are constantly surrounding themselves with people who push them and individuals who they can learn from.
Make personal development a part of your lifestyle. Hire mentors and coaches that support you with moving towards who you’re truly called to be. Every day, create a routine aligned with your success. Move your body, set aside time to read blogs, articles, and books that help you increase your knowledge, sharpen your skills, and feel even more motivated and inspired to move forward.
Strengthening your mindset doesn’t happen by accident. It’s something you must be intentional about because in our day to day life we are often distracted by things that have nothing to do with our overall growth - most of which come from our thoughts and beliefs. And you’re responsible for your own disturbances...
Studies have shown that we have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day. 95% of those thoughts are typically negative . You have to be willing to change those if you deeply desire to change your business and personal life as well!
Are you feeling like it’s time to take your coaching biz to the next level?
I have a FREE behind the scenes opportunity where you get to Experience ELEVATE For Yourself. This is designed to help aspiring coaches clear out their obstacles and hit their stride as successful transformation allies.
We’ll open our minds to the inner practices that will set us up for success and get a preview of my favorite “secret sauce” modalities for increasing impact and income as a coach.
These tools have revolutionized my practice from the inside out:
✨ Emotional Freedom Techniques
✨ Hypnosis
✨ Neurolinguistic Programming
✨ Creating Achievable Outcomes
Together we’ll dive into the key components of creating lasting change in the lives of your clients. You’ll increase your capacity to hold space for their transformation, and naturally step into your confidence as a guide during potent moments of discovery.
By now, you’ve probably figured out that achieving success as a coach requires more than being an inspiring person. Sure, people often spot your radiance from a mile away, and anyone and their mother can clock you as a free spirit who’s got it going on. Maybe you've taken a few coaching courses but need a final nudge to leave your day job and go all-in on your dream biz. But when it comes to the unregulated field of coaching, luminaries such as yourself are left to figure it out on their own.
Let me tell you, this is why proven modalities exist! By exploring, studying, and becoming certified in techniques like the ones we’ll be covering at Elevate, we take the guesswork out of coaching sessions. These frameworks support the practitioner (that’s you!) in navigating the field of transformation, delivering more powerful experiences and life-changing results for clients.
Additionally, we’ll get on top of the business-side of running the business. I’ll share my proven mindset formula success and divulge the insider secrets needed to become a sought-after coach.
And one last detail to make this the best thing you’ve read all day: Behind the scenes Elevate participants receive $500 off my certification course! Click to join us: