Dr Nicolya Williams

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The Truth About Discovery Calls

Today we are going to discuss discovery/sales/ strategy calls. Not every business model has them. Some begin with them others start with them and then fade them out.

Regardless of what you decide it’s important you learn more about how they run, why they are valuable and what to call them so you can determine whether or not they fit into your business model.

Discovery calls are a great way to be introduced to a potential client and for them to also be introduced to your brand. Ultimately you get to decide whatever you end up calling this first interaction. You just need to be crystal clear on what it entails, what’s to be expected and wear your expert hat the whole time.
Strategy calls are simply a phone call or coffee meeting that you book to talk to a potential client . The difference, in my eyes with strategy and discovery calls is that strategy calls you’re discussing a strategy or offering some form of coaching and then also opening up an offer for the next step
A discovery call is the first conversation with a potential client after they show initial interest in your product or offer. It's your opportunity to get to know the individual to see if they would be a good fit for your offer. ... Discovery calls also give you the chance to ask questions about your prospects' needs and goals. With discovery calls there isn’t always coaching involved as with strategy calls.

A discovery call is also known as a “sales call,” “strategy call,” or “clarity call”— those are some of the most common names.

The typical structure for these calls goes as…

  • Build rapport

  • Share a little about how the call will go

  • Let them share why they wanted to have a call and where they are stuck

  • Discuss how you could support them

  • Determine next steps together

I highly recommend you record your discovery calls this will allow you to reflect on what you can improve upon and also hone in on some market research aspects as well.

The benefit of these calls…

  1. You get to help your clients feel supported . The truth is moving towards your vision can feel very lonely- whether it’s starting a business or writing a book or healing after a breakup and the like many people feel alone. A discovery call is a great opportunity for you to create space for your potential client to feel heard and supported . That is a very powerful feeling.

  2. You get to learn the market research needs. When you’re doing discovery calls it’s important that you really pay attention to what it is that your potential client is complaining about and also seeking support with. This will help you with creating content moving forward. It will also help you to edit your offer to align with what it is your audience is actually seeking. I have even gone as far as paying attention to frequent words my audience uses and weave them into my offers. For example my Happily Divorce Course was titled based on women telling me they just wanted to be “happy” again! Do not discount the power of learning from your potential clients too.

  3. You get to offer opportunities for people to take the next step with you. Exposure is powerful and discovery calls is a powerful way to showcase what it is that you have to offer. The Rule of Seven is an old marketing concept. It basically states that a prospect needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy from you. Now the number seven isn’t cast in stone. It’s essentially stating that you can’t just market one time and be done. You have to show up in creative ways to meet their audience where they are and let them see what it is that you have to offer !

Considering this what are your thoughts about weaving in a connection call or some sort into your business model?