​Did you know that the average self-published author sells between 250-300
books in their entire life-time?

NOT a year.... in TOTAL!

This is a great place to start, but definitely not where you want to stay.

If you wrote a book to increase income and impact you're going to want your book in the hands of more than 250-300 people.

Here is the hard truth, books don't sell themselves


you didn't write your book to sit on a shelf and collect dust.

.So.....if you want your book to STAND OUT…

if you want to have an impact with your book…

​if you want to make money from your book…

and if you want to become a best-selling author,

you have to have a marketing launch plan!

Too many aspiring authors publish their book and then market it.

That is "bass ackwards". Then they wonder why they are marketing to crickets.

The marketing begins when the writing begins and you cannot skip this part.

In 2016, I set a goal to become a best-selling author.

When I launched my published book for the first time, I sold it to my mom, uncle, and my aunt, and then it was pretty much crickets from there. 

I had a great goal...but where I messed up was that I did not have a plan.

I knew I had to go back to the drawing board and create a plan to publish with intention so that I could hit best selling status. 

The second time around I was more intentional about my launching strategy.

This time I knew my audience, I knew what they wanted and where I could find them, and more importantly, I knew how to sell it to them.

 Within hours my publishing my first and second book together I hit best selling author for both!

I screenshot the picture below all while I cried haha!


This entire experience was life changing!

Now I am teaching you to do the same.

With the Author marketing Launch Plan, you will create a plan and learn how to actually sell your book.

We talk about how to identify your BIG goal

How to create a launch team

How to leverage social media (you get a FREE training)

How to get your book in front of the right people

How to use podcasts or blogs to leverage your sales

We discuss how to use social media platforms to find your reader, to get content for

your book, to market creatively and how to actually sell your book.

The last thing I want you to do is to invest blood sweat and tears in vain.

Trust me when I say this is a must-have for every author or aspiring author!

You may be thinking... "well I haven't published yet" <------ get this training before you do trust me you will thank me later!

Or maybe you're thinking "I already published" <------ If that is you then you needed this YESTERDAY!

If you already published and aren't making money then it's time to go back to the drawing board and create a plan so that you can actually sell your book!

Showing up for your audience is something all authors should do all the way from beginning their author journey to long past the publishing phase.

Honestly, as an author, you should ALWAYS be sharing your book.  

Let me show you how to be visible, make money and have fun while doing it!

Do NOT SKIP this!

***When you purchase this you will also get a bonus social media posting calendar for authors that gives you 8 weeks worth of daily posts to start increasing engagement!

Publishing Powerhouse

Dr. Nicolya is a passionate publishing powerhouse! She is able to guide and support authors through the entire book writing, publishing and profiting process- saving writers time, energy and money. She is truly an author's secret weapon to book publishing success with the clarity and confidence she helps create in writers. I highly recommend that new and even seasoned authors connect with Dr. Nicolya if they want to get their message to the masses. You won't regret it!

— Angel Richards // Clutter To Clarity

Are you ready to make money??

Let me tell you something about Dr. Nicolya. She is about her business.

If you're not connected to her you're missing out on your opportunity to prosper.

#wakeup #dontmissit

— Erica //  Inner Beauty Reigns 

 Are you ready to start making money from your book??
Sign up NOW and get started for ONLY
$111 $44

Dr. Nicolya Williams

Dr. Nicolya Williams is a transformational coach, and best-selling author of 12 books.

As a coach, she divides her time between empowering women one on one and motivating groups of women through masterclasses.

When not spending time on her business Dr. Nicolya enjoys spending time with family, reading, attending church or exercising at the gym.

You can connect with Dr. Nicolya at www.nicolyawilliams.com or on social media @NicolyaWilliams

 Copyright 2021 by Dr. Nicolya Williams | DISCLAIMER