
 Do you desire to write a book but struggle to find the time to make it happen?

As a busy woman myself, I totally get it.

When I wrote my first book I was working a full-time job, a part-time job, getting my doctorate, and taking care of my two young daughters.

Busy was my middle name and overwhelmed was my last.

Truthfully I did not believe I could ever get my book written but I did and there ain’t nothing special about me

You can get your book written too!

You aren't here by accident

It's not random that you dream about your book

It isn't a coincidence that other people believe you should write a book

More importantly, there is a reason you have had this desire for some time

I am a firm believer that if something continues to show up in your life- there is a reason.

You have had a desire to write a book for years, but you let fear stop you because you were worried if people would actually read your book.

You have wanted to write a book, but you let uncertainty keep you stuck.

You believed that because you hadn't done it before you could figure out how to make it happen.

You get excited about your book because you know someone needs it, but when you actually sat down to write it there never seems to be enough time.

While all of these feel like valid excuses, not one is a

reason to avoid writing your book


No more limiting beliefs, excuses, and no more fear....NOW is your time!

What if I told you that you could publish your book in 30 days on a strict budget with a simple plan?

Would you go after your book writing goal then?

As a best-selling author of 10 books, and after helping hundreds of women to plan, publish, market, and prosper from their books

Now it's your turn!

That is why I created the Author's Starter Kit to help women just like you write your book without the overwhelm.

I share all of the strategies, steps, and secrets I wish I knew when I began my writing journey.

The best news is, it’s FREE!

What you will get:

1. How to create a schedule to make time to get your book written

2. Life changing productivity hacks in order to write a book on a busy schedule

3. A strategy to break your topic down into bite-size chunks.

4. A better approach to organize your chapters without the overwhelm with great organization.

5. Practical tips and ways to write that appeals to your reader.

6. Some special bonuses to support you on your author journey.


  • Working with Dr. Nicolya was amazing! Before working with her I had no idea about the book writing process. She helped me organize my thoughts and get a plan in place for publishing. I highly recommend her and her offers.

    — Latasha P., Owner of Arts and Budgets

  • I thought I would never get my thoughts organized. Using this workbook and class was AHHHHmazing. My book writing was so much easier once I got the chapters organized.

    — Chavonne, Owner of Blended Family Bliss

 Sign Up Now!

About Dr. Nicolya

Dr. Nicolya Williams is a Transformational coach, best selling author of ten books, podcast show host, and blogger for women.

Dr. Nicolya enjoys helping women turn book plans into published masterpieces.

As a coach she divides her time between empowering women one on one and motivating groups of women through master classes. When not spending time on her business.

Dr. Nicolya enjoys spending time with her two daughters, both of which are also authors. She also loves reading, attending church or exercising at the gym.

You can connect with Dr. Nicolya at www.nicolyawilliams.com or on social media @NicolyaWilliams

 COPYRIGHT 2023 Dr Nicolya Williams