Avoid the temptation to quit

There are many times and many different reasons that we want to give up. There's an old Chinese saying that says: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." I found this to be true for each of my business startups. This is so true. How many times have we given up just to look back with frustration that we gave up too quick. The temptation to quit will always be there, but we do not always have to feed into that temptation. Listed below are five things we can do to avoid giving up.
  1. Find an accountability partner. It is so important that we identify someone we are close with who will help to push  us. Accountability partners require you to take responsibility and also helps you to stay true to your commitment . Make sure to maintain constant communication with your accountability partner.
  2. Be sure to single task. Sometimes we want to quit because we have overwhelmed ourself and the tasks seem unbearable. When we single task it takes the pressure off and become more productive. When we are more productive it helps us to feel more motivated to keep going.
  3. Sleep on the decision. As women we often react emotionally. Instead of being brash with our decisions it is imperative to think through our decisions and all of the potential outcomes. If you give yourself a day it allows you to be sure that you are making the right decision.
  4. Identify why you began. If you spend even fifteen minutes writing down what you were working for in the first place it may trigger you to remember why you started in the first place. It also helps to jot down all of the things you have accomplished this far . The point of doing this is to make it clear that going forward is the only viable option.
  5. Review your expectations. Expectations change your perception of reality and can cause you to feel discouraged. Rome was not built in a day. We have to remember this is the same for our goals in life as well . If you realize your expectations are unattainable try to redefine them. The goal should be to create growth, but not at the cost of you causing yourself to feel overwhelmed.

What are other strategies that you have used to avoid giving up when times get tough?


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