Boundaries vs. Grudges What's Better?

Many people believe that boundaries and grudges are the same thing- but they are drastically different from one another
Grudges are what we do when we are trying to punish someone
Boundaries are what we initiate when we are desiring to protect ourselves
A grudge may look like you avoiding speaking to your ex even when it is about the kids as a way to hurt or punish him
A Boundary may look like you only responding to text messages that directly relating to your children
The grudge is you aiming to hurt another person or be spiteful the boundary is to keep yourself protected and focused
Do you see the difference?
When I work with clients going through a divorce one of the first steps we discuss is implementing boundaries. 
I am a firm believer that boundaries are the key to our freedom
Setting boundaries is a way to protect and secure yourself 
Setting boundaries is a healthy act of self-love that everyone should implement
What grudges should you be removing and what boundaries should you be putting into place?

If you're looking for support to healing your hurt while removing grudges and incorporating boundaries check out my FREE four day Choose Healing Challenge here:




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