5 Things That The Most Successful People Do

Success is a word we hear often.

You must be successful if you want to enjoy life.

 You must be successfulif you want to be happy.

You must be successful if you want to be normal.

The trouble is most people have no idea what success is orhow to accomplish it. So let’s talk about it.

I studied success in depth for my dissertation research and Icame to see that we all define success differently based on who we arecomparing ourselves to and what we desire to accomplish. Overall success looksdifferent for everyone. When researching the definition of success dictionary.comsays success is the accomplishment of your purpose. Basically this is youidentifying what you’re aiming at, working towards it and then accomplishingit. This is success.

Society on the other hand says success is being married,having 2.5 kids, being wealthy, owning fancy cars and having at least a half amillion dollar home. The movies, and social media also reinforce this. Ibelieve that success is you believing in yourself and going after what youdesire unapologetically. I mean seriously if you don’t believe in yourself, whyshould anyone else put their faith in you?

So let’s talk about the top things that the most successfulpeople do

  1. They don’t blame other people for what has happened to them
  2. They learn from failure and heal
  3. They don’t compare where they are to other people (swimming idea)
  4. They avoid putting things on the back burner
  5. They are willing to challenge themselves

Take time to consider this. In what areas of your life have you found success? What things can you change to find more of the success you desire?

Watch my latest video to learn more.

No matter how hard you work, no matter how many things you shift or change, without getting to root of your struggles you will remain stuck. This is why it is important to heal...and I mean truly heal.

That is the ONLY way to success. Without healing none of the other steps will matter.

If you desire to heal so that you can step into your success sign up for my FREE four day choose healing challenge to get started: https://nicolyawilliams.com/choosehealingchallenge/


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