My Holiday Challenge To You

Holidays bring about a lot of emotions. Joy, Happiness, Excitement are some of the ones that we think are most associated with this time of year, but the truth is there are other emotions that others feel during the Holiday season. This includes depression, anxiety, anger, bitterness, and hurt just to name a few.
While it's tempting to fall victim to the difficult emotions I would like to challenge you to do something different.
In today's video, I share four things that you need to do this Holiday season to find the joy you desire.
Here are four practical steps you need to take starting TODAY.
1. Set Boundaries for yourself and others

2. Create a new tradition or routine

3. Let go of the expectations you have

4. Stop the comparison game

How can you get started today?

Check out my latest video for a bonus strategy for you to try this season.

If you missed my healing your hurt challenge sign up here:


5 Things You Need To STOP Doing To Find Happiness Again


Silencing the Shame and Stigma