Dr Nicolya Williams

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5 Simple Hacks To Increase Your Productivity

Today I want to share my top 5 productivity hacks to keep me high vibe through the day!
  1. Set your intentions. One thing I started doing about a year ago was setting my intentions for the day ahead and focusing learning something new each day. So each day I challenge you to set your intentions early on in the day. What do you want to accomplish today? How do you want to feel at the end of the day? How can you hold tight to this even if challenges come? I do this right after prayer first thing each morning so that I am not taking in anyone else’s energy. Take a few minutes to sit and write down or visualize how you want the day to go. The more clear you are the better.
  2. Identify your peak hours and do your work during that time. Take note of when you have the most energy and motivation, designate that time for your most important tasks of the day. This is usually when I do my most pressing task/important task because I know I can do it with my best effort.
  3. Review both your long and short term goals. It’s smart to do this regularity, otherwise you may get to the end of the week, month, or year and wonder why you didn’t accomplish anything. This will help to determine what tasks you can complete daily that are in alignment with this.
  4. Clean up after yourself as you go. It’s tempting to want to wait until later but when you clean up in small ways throughout the day it saves your hours and hours of clean up later. Plus when you have a clean environment research says you have a clear mind. Which in turn helps you to be more focused and productive.
  5. Build in play time. All work and no play makes all of us stressed, unhappy, and ultimately less productive. How can you build in something to look forward to (it could be watching your favorite show, read a book, dance, call a friend etc.) Taking a break to do something enjoyable helps you to recharge and also make the most of your day.
These are productivity hacks that have helped me stay consistent with my goals and increase my productivity. What have you tried so far?