Plan To Publish Your Book In 30 Days

Are you tired of living the same year over and over and calling it life?
I know I was. I was putting things on my vision board and then at the end of the year I was moving it over to next years. The problem is that I was never really addressing why those goals or desires weren't being met. I spent so much time being busy, but never producing anything! It made me mad and miserable, but not enough to make a change.
Eventually I got to a point where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired so I made a change. I knew it was time to invest in me. Not in my kids, not in my job, not in my friends....but in myself. I learned that by investing in others that was the quickest passport to poverty and I didn't want to live like that any longer.
I knew it was time for me to invest in myself and my goals!Although this was a tough stage in my life it was necessary to get me to where I am now. Because I have been where you are and I know you do not want to stay there I believe it is my calling to empower you with the knowledge and skills to be productive and make room in your life to get your book written.
The truth is book writing is definitely an overwhelming process. When I started writing my book I wanted to give up because the process just was too much. I had no clue where to begin, no idea how to make my writing appealing or how to organize it. And the idea of selling my book made me sick to my stomach.
I googled everything under the sun to be successful on my book writing journey.....but nothing worked. I did a lot of trial and error be honest I had more errors than necessary. One of my biggest regrets was not reaching out to get direction from the right people. Instead, I made the process very difficult. It took me 6 months to reach out for support. BUT it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to be alone.
How would your life change if after all of this is over you had a published book in your hand ?
How will your life change if you had speaking engagements or interviews lined up?
How would it feel to have best selling author added to your bio?
How would life be different if you could bring in an extra stream of income from your book for years to come?
How would it feel to have the opportunity to help change peoples lives?
If we are being real this experience would be life changing.
Isn’t that what you desire?
Cuz I know it’s what you deserve!
I have used my own experience to support hundreds of others plan, publish AND prosper from their books.
Even better I have helped them do it in way less time, and without the overwhelm. If you're ready to stop talking about your book and just hoping it will happen, sign up below to get started writing your book TODAY!
You said you wanted this so more excuses no more exceptions
Your 👏🏾time 👏🏾is 👏🏾now👏🏾

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