Turn Your Content Into A Course

As we speak the digital learning industry is worth over 200 billion dollars and it is expected to keep growing.
When I read this statistic I must say I was not surprised. When I published my first book I just knew I would ball out on the royalties, but it was actually the course I created that changed the game for me.
Writing a book is a HUGE accomplishment! Between researching, writing, editing and staying up all night you worked hard!
Now what are your goals after publishing.
Many authors believe their only option for income is to earn royalties, but there are so many options for new authors and by far my favorite is to create a course.
Online learning is so popular now and many people consider teaching online or taking courses online. The good news is that if you wrote a book you have one up on the people wanting to write books because you have already studied the subject matter, you have already done the groundwork and you may even have people already wanting to apply what you have shared what you wrote in your book.
While creating a course may feel like a HUGE undertaking you're actually just taking what your audience desires and delivering it to them in a new format. And remember you're likely somewhat of an expert on the topic to begin with.
As a best selling author of 10 books and a course creating queen I work with authors to take their idea and passion and turn it in to a course for their audience. While we use the table of contents to begin to organize and structure the course, we also work to identify what creative approaches we can deliver the material to students. The question we begin with is what are students desiring to achieve and what can I do as the expert to get them there?
With online courses there is a fine balance because you cannot simply deliver information. That can be googled. What people want is TRANSFORMATION. You must remember that your audience would like to achieve a specific result they do not want you to just reiterate the info in your book. Therefore  your job is to create an environment to help your audience grow.
If you have published a book and would like to turn it into a course I would love to talk to you about how you can do just that. Schedule your free call here: https://calendly.com/nicolyawilliamsCreating your own course is probably the best thing you can do for your writing career, but more importantly the best thing you can do for your audience.

7 Things You Need To Know Before You Launch An Online Course


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