Dr Nicolya Williams

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Learn to focus better than a fish

Humans have an attention span shorter than that of a fish. It doesn't help that we live in a microwave mentality of society and have digital access to everything at our fingertips. All of us are guilty of trying to multitask. I know for me, I was convinced I had adult-onset ADHD because it felt like no matter how hard I tried I could not focus. The reality is I was trying to balance too many things at once and I was not prioritizing where y focus should be. I convinced myself that I could handle many things at once and do so well. What I now know about being distracted is that you're teaching your brain to under perform. Much of the research on distractions and multi-tasking highlights that both lower your IQ similar to being high or drunk. And sometimes it can lower your IQ so low that it's almost as if you're handing tasks as a young child. Think about it would you want your 8-year-old sending emails for you, attending trainings for you, writing your book for you. Probably not. This is why we have to learn to shift our focus to what matters and continue to strengthen that muscle. I want to share three ways to improve your focus and reduce distractions which in turn will help to increase your productivity.1. Take breaks- Taking breaks is okay. It is very beneficial as it allows us to regroup and refocus when we are done. I often will utilize the Pomodoro technique when I am working on something because of the built-in breaks I find that I am much more productive.2. Slow your brain down. Distractions always come, cuz let's be honest we live in a busy world. There is a strategy that I use to slow down and refocus and it is called the ABC method which is equivalent to pushing the gas while driving a car.  The first step is to Become Aware of your distractions. Is this something you can ignore, is it something you need to address? The next step is to Breathe deeply. This gives you a chance to make a calm and rational next step. Finally, you will want to consider your next option and then do that. 3. Do not try to multitask. We are physically incapable of doing it, so in turn we are are not good at it. It also prevents us from doing our best work because in this case, we aren't giving anyone thing the attention it needs or deserves. These are strategies I have incorporated into my life to improve my focus and in turn my productivity. We all need to have the ability to focus when necessary. The good news is that focus is a muscle you can build on. Check out my latest video to learn more!Also you can check out my EFT for Productivity Bundle HERE!