How to write a synopsis

A synopsis is a summary of a book that familiarizes the reader with the overview, the plot and how it unfolds. The synopsis is what goes on the back of the book to engage the reader with your story line. Also some people will use the synopsis to send to publishers if they expand out on it a little. For your book synopsis it should convey the content of your book and it must be enticing for your audience. Many people wonder how long your synopsis should be. You’ll find conflicting advice on this.However, I recommend keeping it short or at least starting short. Most of mine are around 200-300 words, with the intention that I want it to fit on the back of my book. If you’re submitting it to a publishing house, the guideline is about 500-1000 words, single spaced—and use that as your default, unless the submission guidelines ask for something longer.Overall most agents/editors will not be interested in a synopsis longer than a few pages. While writing your synopsis, make sure that it includes: Something that will entice your reader: Ultimately books are judged by their cover. Readers when scrolling amazon or walking through Barnes and Nobles etc. they pick up books that appeal to them.They look at colors, images, AND the summary of your book. The synopsis is one of the first things that a reader will notice. If you do a good job understanding your audience, then you will be able to appeal to them in your synopsis. Make sure it is enticing and engaging.Be sure to have your synopsis edited: After writing your synopsis be sure that it is thoroughly edited. Remember this is one the first parts of your book that people will read. You want to be sure it is written well. Sadly, books with unappealing synopsis’ are less likely to get people to purchase no matter how good the content is inside of your book.Remember editing is more than just grammar be sure you’re editing for flow and readability. Remember the synopsis but be substantive.-Editing for clarity The paramount rule of synopses is a real doozy: tell, don’t show. Tell what they can expect by reading your book, but entice them with the idea that you can actually show them.-Editing excess words If your synopsis is longer than a couple of pages at this point, you need make some serious cutbacks. Read through what you have, review and double review every sentence and word, even if you think you’ve chosen them carefully. Remove what’s unnecessary or repetitive. Also eliminate any irrelevant details.Get Test Readers: Secondly, consider getting 2-3 people to read your synopsis, as long as they fit your ideal reader image. A great way to ensure that your synopsis is paced precisely, enticing, and flows well is to give it to test readers. You’ve spent way too much time with this book to be laxidasical about the synopsis. Be sure to pay attention to what other people suggest: possible word substitutions, transitions, and which details to emphasize versus delete.Use professional synopses as models: You guys know I love Amazon as an author because its an opportunity to see what other authors are doing well or could improve upon and it gives you a chance to make adjustments ahead of time based on what you learn. When writing your synopsis one tool that I found to be exceptionally helpful is to read other synopsis’ from books similar in topic. This can help you identify what is appealing and what you did not like so well. This will help you to determine what to include with your book as well.You don’t want to look at examples of other synopses too soon, otherwise yours will come out sounding formulaic and stale. Therefore I suggest writing one out and then comparing. I have listed two of mine below for examples as well. Overall, professional synopses can be a very valuable tool for refining toward the end of the process! Compare and contrast them to the synopsis you’ve written, and adapt any techniques or turns of phrase you feel would enhance it.If you're looking for more strategies to get started writing your book sign up for my FREE aspiring author jump start kit:


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