How to Successfully Visualize

Visualization is not for people who are clueless or woo woo or living in lala land. If you're new to visualization buckle up cuz this is going to be a super fun ride!

Visualization is used by some of the most powerful and successful people. It is used by those who know that they desire to bring to what they want to bring to life their greatest desires. I have made visualization a major part of my morning routine where I allow myself to set intentions for my day AND also visualize the life I want to live.

The best part about visualization is that it is fun. You get to be a kid again, by allowing your imagination to run wild and it's so freeing and exciting. But we have to be intentional about how we use it. Truthfully you probably visualize every day....but in the WRONG WAY. What we think about and how we allow our throughs to run wild is an example of visualization. Have you ever visualized something bad and gotten all worked up or anxious? That is visualization at it's finest, but not in a way that is helping you. I want to talk about how to make visualization work in your favor because when you do it will change your life.

Here are the steps to visualize successfully:

1. Know what you want- In order to make visualization successful you will want to know exactly what it is you want. Don't try to make it make sense don't worry about the "how" just identify what it is you want.

2. Get very detailed. Involve all of your senses (think about what you see,taste, smell, hear and feel). In order to bring your vision to life you have to be intentional about knowing what it is you truly want.

3. Allow yourself to FEEL it. Once you have the first two steps down allow yourself to really go there. I mean feel what you're feeling in the moment. Allow yourself to get excited, inspired and motivated. This is personally my favorite part of the process because it really solidifies it and makes it feel real. Truthfully once I get here it's hard to leave the visualization process altogether, but that means you're doing it right.

4. Apply it. When you're done visualizing don't stop there. Think of the learnings, and insights you gained from your time visualizing. Now consider how you can begin to take action on this. This is usually when I see massive shifts in my life, because my process allowed me to see what's coming, but my follow up allowed me to align my life with it.

5. Do this regularly. Visualization is not a one and done. You can't visualize what you want and then walk away from it. You have to practice it daily. The more you practice it 1. you become better at visualization, 2. you start to take more informed action and 3. you begin to really design the life of your dreams.

Visualization is a wonderful tool used by many successful people and even backed by scientific research. The research shows that people who imagine themselves performing a task actually respond biochemically in their body even if they're not actually doing the task. Research also confirms that you can have all the skills and know how in the world, but if your mind doesn't match that you will struggle with the task at hand. I share all of that to let you know that this is not my opinion or some crazy concept I have come up with, IT WORKS!! For this reason, when you are working on creating the life you desire it is important that you make visualization a regular practice.

So I challenge you today to let your mind run wild in a way that serves you!

If you're looking for the tools to get started sign up for my success place visualization guide HERE! You will be guided through visualizing your success and bringing it into your reality!

Can't wait to see ya there!


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