How to Use Quora as an Author

A tool that not enough people use to write a book with content people need!

When writing a book the best way to get better insight into what it is that your audience wants is to do your research. For most of us research can take away the excitement of creating but it’s imperative that research is done and done correctly. There are many different ways to do your research but today I want to share a tool that is often overlooked! is a Q&A site where anyone can ask a question and get answers. This is googles version of yahoo answers, if you remember this! While many question sites got abused and eventually shut down Quora is one site that is actively thriving! But basically it’s a great tool to use to better understand your readers

You, as the author, need to be able to recognize what kind of questions your readers might ask…or better yet, what kind of questions lead to more sales.

Quora is a great site to get this information. When you go to and navigate to the top left, you'll see a search box. Here you can type in your genre, questions or specific keywords. Once you hit enter, Quora will find a load of questions that meet your requirement. Here’s where you can dive in and do your research.

Consider what questions or information you would like to include in the content of your book based on the feedback, results , questions and concerns you’re noticing on quora.

After you’re done with your book you should still take advantage of You can do this by finding questions that pertain to your book and then giving your answer. You’ll not only help out your ideal reader, but you'll also be seen as an authority leading people to lean more on you.  Furthermore, you can drop a link to your book, or website and increase your engagements and ultimately sales. Once you have answered a couple of questions in a specific subject or on a particular category, you will start to notice that Quora users will request for you to answer their questions as well…which is nice.

Don’t allow this to frustrate you thinking you have to be tied down to another social media site. It can be a process you use once or twice a week or while waiting at the doctors office etc (the first time I used it I was waiting for my eyebrows to get done). The good news with Quora is unlike other social media sites where your posts and content quickly gets lost Quora answers are public for a significant period of time. In fact because it’s indexed on google someone years down the road searching something could run into your response making this become one of the best evergreen tools you have in your repertoire!

Quora can actually be quite fun if you let it be!

Now knowing that quora is a tool you need i am going to challenge you to head over and create your account. You can use your Facebook, Google+ or email to do it.

Once you sign up it will be imperative to take your time and put together a great profile that will convert. The information you place on this profile should be geared towards the type of questions you intend to answer for your ideal reader! For example, if you’re writing a personal development book your profile needs to reflect personal development.

Then start answering the authority aka author you know you are! You got this!

If you're looking for more tools to get you started on your author journey sign up for my totally FREE aspiring author jump-start kit here:


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