What's Stopping Your Motivation And How To Avoid It

Motivation is one of the best things you have working for you in order to keep your momentum with goals. The problem is that most people struggle with consistent motivation.Contrary to popular belief, motivation actually fades because of our habits.Below are some of the main reasons you may notice your motivation fade


If you're constantly changing your mind with something your motivation will match that. You can't randomly work on your goals and expect results. Goals require for you to show up when it's easy, when it's tough and all the time in between. The best thing you can do when working on a goal is to do this consistently. Considering how you can commit to your goals regularly will be the best way to get your motivation and momentum going. 

Your Mindset

If you are struggling with believing in yourself then you must know that negative thinking will negatively impact your motivation. Our life is a reflection of our thoughts so the best way to stay motivated is to think positively.When you focus on the good things in life, it develops a lot of positive energy. This can easily be used to keep up your motivation. 

Trying to Do Too Much at Once

We all know how busy the world is and how many things we have to give our attention too. Trying to multitask sometimes feels like a great solution, but research says that multitasking actually teaches us to underperform. That is the quickest way to kill your motivation.It’s much more effective to start off working on one thing at a time and set small goals that you can accomplish. These small steps and commitments add up and give you the big results which actually in turn increase motivation.

Not having a strong "why"

Too many of us set goals without a real reason why we desire to accomplish them. Then because the goal is arbitrary we are not showing up the way we should. When you set a goal that you feel aligned with and  have a strong motivating factor why behind it you will notice your motivation and momentum increasing. So insted of setting goals for someone else or because you feel like you have to set goals that relate to your deepest desires and your big vision for your life.

Comparing Yourself to Others

Social media can be great but it can also be a trap. We often get to see everyone's highlight reels and feel less than. It’s common to compare our lives with others, but this is a horrible habit if you want to feel motivated. The best thing you can do is commit to being better than you were yesterday and this will in turn give you a lot of motivation. Think about it...if you get 1% better every day for a year when you look back you will have gotten 365% better than you were before and if that doesn't motivate you...I don't know what will.It’s important to avoid comparing your progress with other people. Each of us have our own walks. So, focus only on your own progress and stop comparing yourself to others if you want your motivation to last. 

Failing to Rest and Recharge

The quickest route to burnout is trying to do and be everything. It will feel good in the beginning but slowly and surely you will run out of energy and in turn be less and less motivated to show up fully for your goals. Choose to instead prioritize self care and rest and you will notice in turn that you feel much more excited about maintaining your motivation. 

Motivation is one the best things to have in your repertoire when you need the momentum to show up for your goals. This is why I shared these factors because I do not want anything in the way of you showing up for your success. Choose today to commit to changing one of these and commit to doing this consistently. The thing to remember is that lasting motivation takes work; it doesn’t just automatically appear.  Starting off small can create huge results. If you're looking for more support and strategies to living a life you love sign up for my FREE Live Your Best Life Guide here: https://nicolyawilliams.com/live-your-best-life/.


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