How to Have Your Best Quarter Yet!
First and foremost it may go without saying but I feel the need to reiterate it. Without a plan, your goals will always remain dreams. Also, it’s important to note that planning alone will inspire you to take action. So I always recommend that each quarter you create space for planning. Maybe it’s a day alone to focus, maybe it’s a few hours —-either way, commit to making a plan.
Find clarity- without clarity, you will always feel confused trying to determine what you’re doing and why. So what is it that you want? What does that look like? Visualization is an amazing tool to help you learn to envision what you desire and also help you to gain insights into how to make that happen.
Create a plan of action - First and foremost it may go without saying but I feel the need to reiterate it. Without a plan, your goals will always remain dreams. Also, it’s important to note that planning alone will inspire you to take action. So I always recommend that each quarter you create space for planning. Maybe it’s a day alone to focus, maybe it’s a few hours —-either way, commit to making a plan. You can get your 100-Day Goal-Getter Planner here to jumpstart your planning and success!
Focus (follow one course until successful)- When you have too many things on your plate, your focus becomes blurred. On the other hand, focus allows you to hone in and determine what action is going to be best. Also, know this the more action you take, the more progress you’ll make, and the more satisfaction you’ll feel! What is the one course/program/ offer you will share with your audience! How can you focus on making this powerful and impactful for your audience? What I like to do to find and maintain my focus is to determine a theme for each quarter I will focus on. This keeps me from the phenomenon of throwing spaghetti at the wall waiting for it to stick. I pick a theme I feel lit up about and motivated to commit to.
Embody - the biggest mistake I find that people make when it comes to this is they think they should play the part once they have the part. I couldn’t disagree more. Play the role now so you’re fully prepared when it comes and you’re in alignment for it to come to you. Begin to identify a list of ways that you can embody this success. This is my favorite step because I fully believe if you can’t embody it you won’t know how to get it. What version of you will you have to embody for success? Dress like her, talk like her, receive like her, be like her!
Celebrate - here’s news! You don’t have to wait until you fully accomplish what you desire you can celebrate along the way. In fact, I highly recommend it. REWARD YOURSELF! Be sure to set up rewards along the way to boost your mood, up-level your motivation and celebrate your wins all year long. You deserve it!
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