15 Minute Marketing Tools For Course Creators

As a new and upcoming course creator it can be extremely overwhelming to consider the ways in which you need to market and get in front of your ideal learners.

But what if I told you that marketing doesn’t need to be challenging nor does it need to be overwhelming?

In today’s video I’m going to walk you through three different ways that you can market with ease

1. Research hashtags on Instagram. Think about keywords your ideal learner would look up or engage with. This is a great opportunity to get market research as well.

2. Fill out all of your social media bios to say exactly who you are. This is the first impression people have of you so you want to make it appealing.

3. Engage online. Simply liking or leaving a short comment on other people’s pictures and posts will introduce you to new people and get your name in front of new faces.

4. Share testimonials! It’s one thing for you to brag about who you are and how life changing your course is it’s a totally different thing to have others talk about it. This lets potential buyers better understand how this could potentially work for them.

Check out my latest video here! If you looking for more tools to find success on this course creation journey I have just the thing for you! I am offering a free training ride walk you through the process of taking the content that you have creating a profitable course and increasing your coins! Join us here!


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