Signs You Have A Scarcity Mindset That Is Impacting Your Business

We either live with a scarcity or abundance mindset. The problem is when you live with a scarcity mindset it can impact your overall business success. In today’s video I share three ways to know if you’re living with a scarcity mindset and how to move beyond that.

  1. Thinking that there is not enough clients to go around. When I began my business I would always say if I can get just one client a month I was good. Little did I know playing small was preventing me from having a big impact. Understanding that was you have to share is going to bless other people you come to learn that showing up is a service.

  2. There’s not enough money to go around. Money is printed every single day all day long. This is proof that there is more than enough money available. The question is now what can you create to call in more of that money?

  3. I have to be an expert. Expert is defined as someone who gains their expertise through experience. So you don’t have to have some fancy degree or certification to be the expert you truly are. And the more you allow yourself to believe that the more you’re going to impact your overall success. If you have overcome anxiety share about your journey because that will bless someone. If you have healed through divorce share that too. You become the expert when you go through an experience and choose to give back to support others through it.

Living with limits and lack is the quickest way to get out of alignment and a fast track ticket to feeling unfulfilled. Abundance is your birthright - In John 10:10 at the Bible says I have come that that they can have life in life more abundantly. Abundance is our birthright!

Sometimes we guilt ourselves into believing that we should NOT want more when the truth is you’re actually living out of alignment by not going after the abundance you desire and deserve!

At the end of the day you can never be poor enough to help someone but when you focus on creating your abundance your impact spreads.

Considering this what shifts do you need to make around mindset?

If you want to bring in more abundance into your life sign up for 3 Day EFT For abundance challenge here:


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