How to turn your Blog into a Book

Blogging is an amazing way to share your zone of genius with the world.

The biggest mistake I see bloggers making is that they blog and just leave it there. You can use your blog to create a course, a book, a business etc.

Today I want to discuss the steps to take to turn your blog into a book.

​Determine what your audience is looking for- obviously your blog is probably pretty niched down, but you best do this by understanding what resonated with your audience  - You can look at your blog insights to determine what aspects of your blogs engages your audience. When going through your blog posts not only will you see what stands out for your audience you may notice you feel inspired as well.  Another option is you can even ask your audience what they would like to see in a book from you. This helps you to gauge how to relate to your audience.

Pick a unique angle for your book​-​You may already have blogged a book if you’ve been blogging for a long time and have focused your efforts on one topic. ​Yes your blog can be a foundation for your book, but how can you extend on it. For example if you have a blog for single mothers and you talk about parenting, budgeting, and productivity you could focus the angle of your book solely on the budgeting aspect. As a blogger you may find a lot of inspiration from your previous blog posts so reviewing them can be a great thing. Also doing some market research is really beneficial at this stage. Look up other books on your topic to see what you would do differently or how you can learn from those books to build out your manuscript.

Recycle ​and Expand ​Your Content​- Use the content you have created and build upon that. People are not going to want to read your​ book if it's just a  replication of your blog. So consider what parts of your blog you will use and expand on that. For example if you have written a blog about how to budget and one of the tips is finding a side hustle in your book you could write a chapter on the process of creating a side hustle aligned with your zone of genius.

Start writing- when you turn the faucet on the water flows. Lay out how you want to approach the topic and begin to write it out. Don't let the concept or idea of a 200 page book overwhelm you. Consider it a series of small blogs and start letting your creative juices flow. Remember you already are the expert because of your experience with your blog.

Pre-seed and share on your blog​- Now that you know you have people that love your blog, the best place to share about your upcoming book is on your blog. You can give people sneak peeks into what to expect, you could video blog and even offer special deals for your tribe. This is a great way to build the right foundation so when you launch you're not launching to crickets. Also know that those who you are new to you and may find you online or through other people will get a sample of your writing through your blog and its a great gateway into what it will be like to purchase your book. So keep blogging while writing it's a great way to increase your followership and eventually your sales. 

If you are a POWERFUL writer, which you are, hence why you have the blog the best thing you can do is continue to share your voice with the world through a powerful manuscript.

If you are ready to get started writing your book join me for my FREE training here.


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