My Morning Routine & Why You Need One

How do you spend your morning ?

Research says that the first 20 minutes after we wake up is when our brain is most vulnerable!

Unfortunately, that’s usually when we rush to our phone and jump up hurriedly because we are running later etc. It is tempting to fill our early waking hours with being rushed, hurried, or annoyed, but I want to challenge you to make the most out of your morning because this simple commitment will change the trajectory of your day!

Over the years I have learned the power of having a strong morning routine and it has changed my life!

Today I want to share my morning routine and why it’s so valuable.

  1. Pray- it’s so important to me that I start my day off with gratitude and intention. So before my feet even hit the floor I make it a priority to Thank God for the day and set and intention! This has been so pivotal for me to feel connected and grounded!

  2. Drink water- my aim each day is 64 ounces and I always get near or more than! This is so important to stay hydrated and energized so I can show up for you guys fully! It helps that I keep filled water bottles throughout my house.

  3. EFT- no matter what I accomplish or how hard I work those Intrusive thoughts and limiting beliefs can be super real and hard to combat. While I have so many neat tools to use when they come up . Majority of the time I chose tapping as my go to tool to balance my energy and get me feeling super high vibe. This is great because I can literally use it whenever or wherever I need to and it’s easy to cater to what’s coming up for you. If you’re new to EFT check out my YouTube channel there are endless videos for you to get started! You will thank me later

  4. Planing- I have learned that if it doesn’t work on paper it won’t work in reality. So when I am planning my day (typically the night before) I build in at least one self care activity (we can’t pour from an empty cup), a power hour to work on my most exciting goals, family time, client time, learning time etc. I have mastered the art of being proactive and less reactive and it may have been one of the best skills to this day that I have ever cultivated. Check out the best planner I have ever bought here: The Planner That Changed My Life:

  5. Motivation - I am a life long learner and feeding that desire of mine helps me to grow and to even support you guys on a deeper level. I pick a podcast, a course module, a book or a blog to read each and every day. I’m a firm believer that if you’re not learning you’re not growing. In what ways are you expanding your mindset?

  6. Move my body - being diagnosed with anxiety I chose the natural route to work with it. With this exercise has been my savings grace. Moving your body actually helps your body to create natural highs or feel goods called endorphins. So I move my body daily. I have learned as a manifestor (human design) I don’t have to make it an extreme sport so sometimes it’s a simple 22 minute YouTube video I find, or a walk, and sometimes it’s the crazy insanity workout program I bought. I allow my body to tell me what I need and no longer force myself to hit some arbitrary minute accumulated or calorie loss goal. If you’re interested in learning more about human design check out this amazing free training here: This has made a noticeable difference in my overall mental health !

  7. Eating- I am not a health freak and I certainly mess up with my eating habits but one thing I don’t forget or overlook is making sure I eat each and every morning. I am diagnosed with hypoglycemia and a simple way to say this is if my blood sugar is low I have a high likelihood of fainting. This has actually happened to be 3 different times and those three times were enough for me to say okay something different has to happen! Breakfast is often called 'the most important meal of the day', and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the fast that happens over night when you do not eat for 7-8 hours. The amazing part about breakfast is that it replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients. When you eat breakfast it kick starts your metabolism, it encourages healthier eating throughout the day and my favorite part is that it stimulates your brain! So I challenge myself and you to eat your breakfast and make sure it’s a good one!

Obviously there are many other things that take place in the morning like brushing your teeth and getting dressed but these are 7 small morning habits I have cultivated that have in turn made my entire day a lot more smooth.

While it may sound like a lot to start my morning it’s become such a habit that it all happens in perfect flow! This is why I decided to share this with you today because I want you to begin to consider how you can create your very own morning rhythm!

If you’re looking to get started on your evening routine I have the perfect book for you. In my book The Devoted Dreamers I walk you through a simple acronym you can use to make your evening routine seamless. Grab your copy here:

What does your morning routine look like?


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