The Power Of Embodiment

If you're new to the embodiment process, this may be one of the most profound and powerful tools there is. I can’t tell you how many times in the online entrepreneurial world I’ve heard the word embody. “Embody what you want to be. Embody what you want to feel. Embody your next level.” If you’re like most people, you’re likely struggling with what it means to embody and how to go about doing it. Good news is, you’re not alone! In this chapter I will explain it a little further.

Embody is defined as the ability to show or be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling). Another way to define embody is to show or be in alignment with what it is that you truly want. Essentially, you're acting as if your goal or desire has already happened. I want to break down how you go through the embodiment process. The first step of embodiment is to really give yourself full permission to change. When I first heard the word embodiment, I felt like the process is faking it until you make it or being a fraud and pretending to be something you’re not.

It wasn't until I understood the power of the subconscious mind and the power of our actions that I began to understand the importance of enacting what it is that I wanted. It’s similar to what many pastors say in church, “Speak it into existence.” When I began to understand the power of our minds and the impact of embodiment, I began to incorporate embodiment into my day-to-day practices. The reality is with every opportunity to level up, I want to be able to embody it and prepare for it. I want to be open and available for it. Unfortunately, many people believe that if we wait until we've already gotten there, then we will get ready or feel into it. But if you wait, then it could also be too late. You might not be prepared to take it in or to handle it. So, why not practice and prepare for it now and act as if it has already happened?

That's the attitude of waiting in expectation. It's the attitude of knowing that it is coming. This is faith at its finest. And it’s the attitude of aligning yourself to where you want to be. So, for example when I wanted to become a bestselling author, I would ask myself How do bestselling authors behave? How do they spend their time? What do they believe about their craft? The more I thought about that, the more I engaged myself in acting and behaving that way.

It’s important to note that embodiment is not faking it until you make it. Embodiment is not that at all. Embodiment is practicing for what you KNOW will come. How can you handle being a six-figure coach if you don’t see yourself there first? How can you handle becoming a parent if you haven’t envisioned it in your mind ahead of time? Change is the only constant in the world, so why not practice for the change we desire and deserve? The reality is we are made for change. Even when you think of nature, still water becomes stagnant because it's meant to move. The same thing applies to us as people. As the saying goes, if you were meant to be still, God would have given you roots not feet. We're meant to change, and we're meant to move.

The problem is, most of us like to stay in our comfort zone where it's safe and familiar. In response, we don't give ourselves permission to change. We practice stagnancy and if we practiced change with that same level of energy things would be a lot different. What I'm challenging you to do is give yourself permission to change into who it is that you desire to be. That first begins with giving yourself that permission.

The second step to your embodiment journey is to recognize that systems and strategies are not the answer. A lot of times we put our effort and energy into those systems, strategies and different supports, but the reality is 90% of growth happens because we aligned our mind with it. When you recognize the power that you have to make a shift just like this, simply by shifting your mind, you're able to not only acknowledge that power but really be able to step into it. Now, I'm not telling you to believe that deciding to grow and moving into who you're called to be is going to be easy or is always fun. What I can guarantee is that it's going to be worth it. Once you commit to making that decision, you're putting yourself on the fast track to the outcome that you desire and deserve.

Finally, our third step is to begin to actually embody that next level version of yourself. What I always recommend to my clients is, upon waking up for the day, embody that next level version of you. Think of that woman that you desire to be.


What does she look like?

How does she make decisions?

Who does she surround herself with?

How does she feel about herself?

How does she treat herself?

How does she feel about money?

How does she feel about success?

How does she incorporate fun into her life?

What are her deepest desires?

How does she spend her days?

When does she get up and what is the first thing she does?

What type of people are in her circle?

What are her thoughts on money?

Does she feel secure in her finances?

What are her thoughts when spending or receiving money?

How does she dress, talk, and walk?

Where does she live?

I always recommend journaling and visualization together to bring it to life. Answering these questions may take a little bit of time and that’s totally okay, in fact I recommend it. I also recommend that you bring in your imagination. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? When you bring in the visualization you connect with your subconscious mind, making it more real. What I need you to remember during this time is that SHE IS YOU. You are her!

If you want to learn more about the energetics of success check out my book Mindset Reset HERE where we dive in to this even more in depth!


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