What is the best career based on my human design?

A question the many people wonder after learning human design “is what type of career am I designed to have?” I will tell you that I cannot list the perfect career for any specific type. We’re all way too unique and have many facets to our individuality so that would be close to impossible. What I can share is how we are designed to work and give you some insight so that you can start to become creative at the way in which you begin to incorporate this into your work currently.

The reality is that we are all designed to approach work in creative and unique ways. The problem is the way that society defines work is not a one size fits all model. It took me learning my human design to finally give myself permission to creatively make “work” aligned, expansive, and dare I even say fun for me and I am ready to show you how to do the same!


Strategy: I am called, I reflect, then I do

I learned from a reflector recently that in the Human Design space reflectors are always put last. With them being less than 1% of the population a lot of human design experts often overlooked them. So in today’s article I knew I wanted to talk about reflectors first.

The purpose for reflectors is to be a mirror for the collective. The more you lean into your power the more others can see themselves fully!

Avoid: trying to perfectly define yourself or fit yourself into a box. You’re meant to be unique.

Tip: monitor the places and people you’re around and notice how that impacts your energy. Be open to shifts and changes as they come.


Strategy: I become recognized, then invited, then I take action.

Projectors are aligned when they’re sharing their knowledge to help other people succeed. As wise as you are it’s supportive for you to take advantage of your ability to sense what’s missing and guide others toward their highest potential.

Avoid: trying to force your expertise on to others. This in turn can create bitterness blocking your aura.

Tip: consider how you can strengthen your expertise and trust that your energy will attract the right invitations.

Generators or Manifesting Generators (MG)

Strategy: I respond then I do

I once read that this phrase “find what makes you happy and the rest will follow” was basically written for Generators.

When generators are lit up working is super fun and easy. The busier the better and when you work “hard” you produce amazing-ness.

Avoid: try to stay away from things that cause you to feel frustrated cuz this will block your energy

Tip: listen to your sacral and be sure you’re responding to the right things that light you up.

For mani- gens take advantage of your ability to manifest many things quickly. Like the Generator, you are able to sustain work and like the Manifestor you can initiate projects and inspire action in the other Human Design types.

Avoid: holding onto projects for too long especially when you’re feeling that nudge to move on to something else. This will lead to anger and frustration and block your aura.

Tip: give yourself permission to be multi passionate. Finding a way to explore lots of different passions is pivotal.


Strategy: I recognize my power and take action with that energy

You are a Trail Blazer. As a manifestor the best option for you is to initiate projects that are in your area of expertise. The key here is to find a career that allows you to have minimal outside input and control of your time and schedule.

Avoid: trying to work like everyone else. The traditional 9-5 isn’t designed for you because flexibility allows you to be in creative flow when it calls for you! Leave room for spontaneity and you will find all of the creative ideas starting to come together.

Tip: create a routine and work schedule that allows for a good balance of work, play and rest.


Now if this article left you feeling overwhelmed, discourage, hopeless and ready to throw in the proverbial towel and just give it all up as it relates to the way that you’re working have good news for you. You don’t have to make some massive overhaul of your life.

This is meant to be an informative article to help you to take information and apply it to the work that you’re currently doing. There are small tweaks and some de conditioning work that you can do to help you show up energetically in a way that aligns with your unique human design.

If you are looking to schedule a Human Design reading so that you can have even more insight and where it is and who you are and how you’re designed to show up in this world schedule your session here: https://nicolyawilliams.com/human-design-breakthrough-session/

If you desire to weave human design into the work that you do as a coach check out The ELEVATE Method.


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