Ready to become a best selling author?

Did you know that 81% of American’s want to write a book?

BUT less than 3% actually do it! What are the other 78% doing? They are making excuses: "I don’t have time." "I don’t know where to begin." "Nobody will want to read what I write." "I am not a strong writer."

Don't believe all of the misconceptions about book writing. Regardless of what is going on YOU CAN DO THIS! You can do this because you have the desire burning inside of you. Don't use time as a crutch for avoiding your published author dreams!!!


In This Training You Will Learn...

  1. How to market your book effectively so you're not launching to crickets

  2. How to be sure your title and cover set you up for success

  3. Create a strategy to become a best-selling author without the overwhelm

This training is for you if:

  • You have written your book, but want a strategy to become a best-selling author

  • You are just beginning your book writing and you want to set yourself up for success from the beginning

  • You desire to increase your income and impact!

  • You want to add best selling author to your bio 

What you get in the
Best-seller Blueprint Bundle:

  • The blueprint to hitting best-selling author on Amazon (or your physical book or eBook)

  • A simple strategy for categorizing your book to become discovered

  • Creative marketing ideas to create sales

  • 4 hacks to writing your book while busy

  • How to publish on a budget

  • BONUS*: Book Writing Starter Kit

All this usually goes for $197…


Hi! I am Dr. Nicolya, a 12x International Best Selling Author

I was in the majority once. I spent YEARS saying I would write a book, but every time it came down to it, I just filled my mind with all of the reasons why it could never come true. But one day I decided, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! I dreamed of writing my first book for years! It was time to stop dreaming, and start doing! After actually writing my book I realized that the only thing truly standing in my way was ME! What would it mean to you to get your book out all across the world

 What would it mean to become a best-selling author? I never in a million years could have believed I would become a best seller, but I did! I took some very strategic steps to set my book up for success and the outcome was AMAZING. Great news, I am pulling back the curtains and sharing all of my strategies with you! In the Best-selling Blueprint Bundle you will learn the exact strategy to make your book stand out and become a best-selling author.

Becoming a Best-selling author is one of the best titles
you can add to your bio so let's make it happen!

 The Best-seller Blueprint Bundle will change the way you think about writing and marketing your book.

It takes what was once an overwhelming process and makes it simple, and dare I even say fun?

But don't take it from me! Here's what my clients have shared.....


This was exactly what I was looking for! I published my book and had no clue how to become a best seller which was my ultimate goal. I signed up for this training and immediately it clicked. I am so grateful I took that step I am a best seller!!!

— Chavonne S, Blended Family Coach

Nicolya is a passionate publishing powerhouse! She is able to guide and support authors through the entire book writing, publishing, and profiting process- saving writers time, energy and money. She is truly an author's secret weapon to book publishing success with the clarity and confidence she helps create in writers. I highly recommend that new and even seasoned authors connect with Nicolya if they want to get their message to the masses. You won't regret it!

-Angel Richards, Coach and Author of Clutter To Clarity

What would it feel like to add best selling author to your bio?

What would it feel like to be known as an expert in your field?  It would feel beyond amazing. Plus, the rewarding experience of walking through the process would be life-changing. So now the real question is what has kept you from reaching that goal?

Are you scared of what it would take? Are you unsure of what you need to do? Do you feel like you're not qualified? Whatever it is, cut the excuses. It's your time to believe in your dreams and I have just the tool to help you.

It's time to go from aspiring author to best seller!

Sign up today for $197


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