Are you ready to design and
live the life you love?


 I have a secret for you ...

Life should actually be SPECTACULAR and life should actually be ENJOYABLE!

We aren’t supposed to be struggling, being frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed all through life.

This isn't what God wanted for you and it's not why He created you.

Sadly you're likely normalizing this because that is what we are taught to do.

Think about it.....when you leave it up to society they tell you that you need to have a college degree, a job paying at least 50k a year, 2.5 kids, an amazing spouse, a home with a white picket fence, and a dog.

And when you do achieve that you should be happy.

But that American dream isn’t everyone’s dream.

And living out someone else's dream will NEVER make you truly happy.

It’s time to think JUMP outside of that box and live the life you’re DESIGNED to live

"How," you ask, let's talk about it..........

I was that girl......always reading to the next best personal development books, attending the most life-changing conferences, and signing up for all high-end coaching programs.

I literally wanted change and growth in the worst way and I assumed the more I learned the more likely I could make this happen!

I thought the more I balanced, juggled, and learned the closer I would be to my desired life.

At one point I had someone near to me tell me I was addicted to personal development. While initially I was offended the more I thought about it the more it rang true.

I woke up reading books, blogs, and downloadable PDFs and went to bed listening to trainings, podcasts, or YouTube advice from the worlds leading gurus.

Deep down I believed that if I just did enough of the tactics set out in the personal development world I could become who I really wanted to be and live the life I really wanted to live.

But the further I dug the more what I desired seemed to be fleeting.

Can you relate?

 Are you tired of wearing multiple hats and feeling like you’re failing at every role?

Are you tired of setting goals that sit on your vision board for years and years while it seems like everyone is flourishing?

Are you wishing there was an easier way to balance all that life throws at you?

Do you feel like you hold yourself back from what you truly deserve out of life?

 If you are reading this then you’re liking empowered with so many HUGE goals but feeling like there isn’t enough time to actually be able to reach them.

You’re a mother

You’re a sister

You’re an employee

You’re a business owner

So when it comes to balancing life it feels impossible when you’re juggling so many other expectations and responsibilities. You're not even sure that your growing to do list is moving you in the right direction anymore. 

Basically you're on a hamster wheel moving quick but going nowhere fast and it SUCKS!

You feel stuck in between where you are and where you truly want to be, but have no clue how to bridge that gap.

I have news for you.....


Hey! I'm Dr. Nicolya

And if any one gets it I surely do. In 2016 I went through a ending a toxic marriage and adjusted to being a single parent of 2 young kiddos, started my doctoral program full time, wrote a book, started a business and worked a full and part time job. Needless to say I was busy I used to joke and say I removed one last name to adopt bush as my new name instead.

I was very resentful of that year because it hurt so bad for me to feel like I was doing all the things but it felt like I wasn’t doing anything. I was ready to jump off the struggle bus but no matter how hard I tried NOTHING worked. I didn’t feel any closer to my goals or desires

 Here’s the thing tho.....I knew I was called to so much more. I was so tired of seeing potential in everything and everyone else but myself

That’s when I became committed to living my life by design NOT default.

Once I learned this I promised to never leave another woman trapped. Basically, I became who I knew I needed at that time.

Can you relate to wanting to feel like

Life makes sense and is working on your favor

You want to FEEL FLOW but get stuck trying to force just about everything in life

You want to FOCUS but take care of everyone and everything else first. 

You would do ANYTHING to remove being overwhelmed and busy to instead help find balance in your life and in turn improve your productivity

That’s why I created the design a life you love program so that you can

~Reprogram your brain so that you truly believe that success is possible.

~Learn how remove beliefs that are no longer serving your highest good and preventing you from creating the life you want.

~Increase clarity around what your vision is and how to create steps to achieve it

~Gain increased confidence so that you can go after your desires UNAPOLOGETICALLY

~Set goals and actually reach them

~Releasing negative blocks and limiting beliefs

~Creating a clear vision

~Aligning your top 5 values with your life

~Overcome the overwhelm

~How to easily create lasting habits that help you develop a more structured and disciplined life

~How to get yourself in a success mindset

~Create a clear road map for success

~Rapid transformation sessions (creating massive breakthroughs instantly)

 With the design a life you love modality you will finally be able to take action towards the life you desire AND deserve easily AND effortlessly


Mindset Overhaul:

  • Discover what limiting beliefs you have adopted as your reality, how they hold you back, and create a practical plan for how to tackle them in the future. 

  • You’ll learn how to remove self-sabotage and replace it with the confidence you deserve and desire.

  • Rewiring your brain for success. Let's be real the only thing in the way of the life you desire is you. Together we will uncover the remove the limiting beliefs and mental clutter (such as; procrastination, depression, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, lack of motivation, indecision, and self-sabotage) so that you can speed toward the life you desire and deserve!

    Intentional Alignment:

  • Gain a deep understanding of what you want in life 

  • Become crystal clear to overcome confusion

  • Understand what subconscious beliefs you have about this and where they stemmed from

  • Scripting around the vision  and incorporating visualization and how to incorporate this into your routine

  • You will learn strategies to raise your deserve level

  • Taking your current ceiling and making it your basement

  • Free yourself from other's expectation

Loving yourself:

  • Uncover where you are currently, where you’re stuck and the tools you need to take to help you design your ideal self and life.

  • You will learn self-care strategies and approaches that will raise your deserve level

  • You will learn to not only see everyone else's potential, but to really be able to see and live yours

  • Learn to truly love yourself in ways you didn't even know were possible

  • Get clear who you know you’re called to be and what your true purpose is.

  • Practice with envisioning everything you want so that you can align your actions and steps with making it happen

  • Life-changing tools that will help you become the best version of yourself and create a life you love.

Productivity Power:

  • Develop a morning and evening routines that helps you to align your busy life with the life you desire to create for yourself. 

  • Tools that will help you to approach each task with the best energy.

  • Identify where you are wearing busyness like a badge and replace it with productivity strategies that will change your life.

  • Discover where you need more boundaries and what you should be more available for

  • Identify what habits/behaviors give you energy (and ones that drain you) so that you’re always feeling in a good energetic space

  • You will learn to create space to do more of what you love, enjoy play and time with those you love most.

    Goal Getter Guide:

  • Goal setting that not only identifies what you desire to achieve but also helps you determine what’s a barrier.

  • Create a foolproof strategy so you know the exact steps you need to take in order to maximize the time you spend on your goal.

  • Gain a deep understanding of what you want in life so that you can create a future that is aligned with your values and a business that is aligned and allows you feel fulfilled.

  • Identify the anchor that is keeping you stuck as well as how to severe it! 

  • Discover the one thing you need for your goals, dreams, and ambitions to be possible.

  • You will learn how to create a plan for those inevitable twists and turns that may come.

    Activate your action:

  • Develop a strategy for slowly, safely and securely moving beyond your comfort zone.

  • Initiating the process of getting "un-stuck"

  • You will quickly be able to evaluate quality opportunities and reject anything that doesn't move you toward your desired outcomes.

  • Aligning what you want with what you're actually doing

  • You will be given the tools to stop waiting hoping and wishing for your happiness, but to take intentional action and live it

 Introducing ....

 I spent years practicing and supporting women through counseling skills and strategies I learned through years of college. While I loved helping women it seemed like it took forever for my clients to make the shifts and changes that they desired in their lives. I continued to seek more because I firmly believe that breakthroughs and transformation can happen as soon as we are in alignment with it. eventually I came across a mindset program that changed my life AND my clients lives. Just 2 weeks in I was forever changed.

I began to really understand the power of the subconscious mind and how we don’t operate at our greatest potential Because we don’t have the tools to make it happen.

Now as a Master PractitionerI incorporate transformational techniques I am certified in like Human Design, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, T.I.M.E. Techniques, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and so much more into the design a life you love program so that you can have massive, lasting shifts INSTANTLY!

Now is the your chance to create the freedom and the the life you deserve.

 In just 12 weeks you will learn:

  • How to walk in alignment with what you know you are called to do

  • Realizing that they truly believe in themselves and can truly be successful in everything they undertake

  • How to feel inspired each and every day living a life that they wake up and love each day

  • Ability to share their gifts with the world confidently

  • The ability to set AND achieve goals with a foolproof formula

  • Doing the things they love and that are aligned with their goals

  • Ability to wear many hats but do so with grace

  • Increasing productivity effortlessly

  • Strong and resilient mindset knowing they can master their emotions and in turn master their life

This program will help you create a life you love easily and effortlessly!

**FAST ACTION BONUS!!! Customized human design chart reading and application session. ($555 Value)**

If you're new to Human design it is a scientific approach to better understanding your unique genetic design, with detailed information on both the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself.  Human design helps to provide an extremely accurate picture of how your energy works and how you view and respond to life. 

Becoming familiar with your Human Design will help you to get rid of self-defeating patterns and move through life easier, quicker and with more of the right energy. It will help to shed light on and help you to get in touch with what is inherently you and your strengths versus what you have been told or conditioned to be.

Everyone enrolled in the Design a Life You Love Program will receive a unique human design reading and application session with Dr. Nicolya. It will blow your mind!!!

This. Program. Works. <--------and that's in the words of my clients.

 The reality is I know this will change your life in ways you can't even fathom, but don’t just take it from me,
here’s what my clients are saying:

 Are you ready to give your dreams a chance?

This program is a total life overhaul and in turn, you will be able to create a massive and lasting shift as you have never ever EVER experienced before. 

So if you have a super big vision for your life and you’re doing all of the things journaling, reading,  wondering, hoping, reciting your affirmations, visualizing daily, not to mention you have a super dope vision board, but no matter what you do it seems you can’t align your vision to your actual life this is for you!!

The design a life you love program is a 3-month intensive program that helps you to take your BIG audacious goals and make it your reality. 

Here’s the thing you can hope wish and wonder about your goals all day. You can even take action but if you’re not intentional about your mindset AND your daily habits, choices and patterns the dream will always be just a dream.

If you’re done living the same year over and over again and calling that life this is your chance to do what your future self will thank you for. 

Just remember the choice is yours but so is the outcome ....... make the decision your future self will thank you for.

Total Value is $6997

BUT Today's Investment is ONLY $1222!

Due to the intimate nature of this program, there are only 5 spots available!
I created payment plan options for those ready to dive right in!

 When I started working with Dr. Nicolya I felt like I had found my person. She is great to talk to and provides support like nothing I have ever seen before.I am forever grateful for committing to working with her. 

— Atha S., Life Coach

 Over the next 3 months, I will teach you how to intentionally align your reality with the highest and best version for your life.

The design a life you love framework:

3 pillars (NLP, Human Design, and the ELEVATE Method)

This is unlike any program you have ever or will ever take!

Design a life you love will help you create a life you're happy to wake up and live each day.

Unlike other programs where you quickly get overwhelmed and in turn discouraged Design a Life You Love is structured so that you can actually
take in the information tools and strategies shared AND put it into action.

Which is where the real transformation occurs.

We begin each month with a 45-minute goal-setting intention session, accountability layout, and hot seat coaching. 

In between times, you will get a total of 3 calls (one per month)

We end each month with group q&a calls

There will be fun sheets that are like homework but way more fun (hehe) which help you to apply and integrate each lesson.
These are customized exercises for you to implement the new insights.

You will also receive unlimited Voxer access to me so you can get all of the guidance, support, encouragement, and love you need in-between time no matter what life throws your way.

Who is this for:

You checked all the boxes, you're in a safe place, but you're not in love with it. 

Those who know they're called to more

For those with big ideas and visions for their life.

Those who are willing to be uncomfortable as they grow

You uncover personal blocks that prevent your success

 Those who want to be surrounded by other powerful women doing the work too

Going through the motions, but unfulfilled

This is NOT  for you if:

You are not willing to put in the time to create a life you love

You are unwilling to learn from mistakes

If you are flat out LAZY!

Man oh man! I have waited for years taking course after course, working with multiple courses just to find the "answer". When I started working with Dr. Nicolya she showed me that I had the answer I had been seeking all this time. The best part is she not only helped me to find the answer she helped me create a plan to now start living a life I truly love. Working with Dr. Nicolya was the best investment into myself and my future that I have ever made.

— Chavonne S., Step mom coach

The things that I learned in 12 weeks was amazing. I had so many beliefs about myself that I had no idea how they impacted me professionally and personally. Now I am more aware and have the skills I need to make sure my mind doesn't impact my life. I have never felt more free, light and clear than I do now!

— Brittnie S., Natural Hair Care Coach

 Take a moment and ask yourself what would it feel like to......

Wake up and look forward to the day

To actually accomplish the goal you set out to accomplish years ago

Unleash the next level of your boundless self

You guessed it, it would feel great.

BY NOW you have the passion you need to get started all you need is the tools to make it happen !

And I will leave you with don't have to make life as hard as you do.

This is your chance to find the strategy around that!

Total Investment is ONLY $997

Due to the intimate nature of this program, there are only 5 spots available!
I created payment plan options for those ready to dive right in!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?

It’s a 3-month program and commitment. Have you ever been to the training and have one person missing and it feels weird? This is why I ask people to come in AND commit bc you showing up creates accountability for you AND your peers.

Can I get a refund?

Great question, I know sometimes it can be scary to make an investment but let me just say that investing in yourself always has the best return. All that said you will have a chance to join for 7 days and get a full refund if you desire to leave for whatever reason. I’ll be honest I know you’re going to love it!

How many people will be accepted into the program?

Due to the nature of this program, it is limited to 5 women total. I want to ensure you're receiving the attention and support you deserve.

What if I'm still not sure how this will work for me?

Send an email to to discuss further how this program will work for you.

What if I've bought other things how will this be different?

This program is different for a number of reasons. One major difference is I am in the trenches with you. Most people who buy online courses don’t get started because there’s no accountability no support and they don’t see how this can work with them. Immediately upon joining you’re going to get an online accountability and support group. And we will start right away with transformational strategies that will make immediate shifts that will make you wonder why you didn’t dive in any sooner.

Will I have lifetime access to the course materials? 

Yes you will have lifetime access which is one of the best benefits!

 Copyright © 2021 Dr. Nicolya Williams