It’s time to become the coach you’re called to be…

  You're scrolling and you come across the coach who just made $10k in her sleep, you scroll some more and see the coach who had a 23k launch while at the beach and another one that made multiple 6 figures this year while spending 90% of her time traveling!


*insert gut punch*

*insert "how did she do that" *


You've seen it and I have too!


When I see posts like these I get excited for their amazing win, but I cringe because with that kind of "marketing" I don't believe that they are giving you the full picture!


What most coaches won’t tell you is that their massive launch, pay-in-full (PIF) client, or 6 figure launch at the beach wasn’t an overnight success. That success actually happened as a result of the compound effect!


If you're not familiar with this concept, let me explain.....


The compound effect is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. Small choices + consistency + time = significant results.


I will give you an example of how this played out for me recently.


I had one of my highest launches while in bed with covid


I was able to rest more than I have in ages


I was able to spend quality time with my daughter (who also had it )


I even watched some recommended tv series (thanks to all of you who shared them haha)


And no one noticed I was “gone”


Because I still posted, emailed, podcasted, released blogs and even YouTube videos


But you wanna know a secret - I wasn't doing anything!


All of this stuff was all done ahead of time so when covid hit I got to cuddle, rest & heal WITHOUT worry!


This is because for the last few weeks, months and years. I have been committed to daily steps with the BIG picture in mind!


Because of these steps I made more in one week than I used to make in a month while in recovery!


I never thought this was available to me as a single mom, woman of color, with a “small” following but for some crazy reason I kept saying “yes” to my vision day after day.


Even when it made no sense!


Even when I didn't know the "how"!


And here's what I learned along the way....


Yesterday’s self talk is determining how you’re feeling today


Yesterday’s commitment is determining your results today


Great things are accomplished by a series of small things combined together


But the opposite is also very true as well…..


Meaning every time you play small, say no, operate from fear, stay in your comfort zone etc. these are the seemingly small decisions, but the same ones that keep you stuck, stagnant and resentful.


If you’re tired of....

-wondering how it can be "easy" for everyone else

-wondering if this is all life has to offer

-not being brave enough to move towards your dream


I am here to tell you that you don’t have to stay here any longer!


You can create the future life NOW that you desire and deserve and I can show you how inside of the upcoming FREE Elevated Coach Challenge

This is your chance to........become the coach you’re called to be


In the three day ELEVATED Coach Challenge you will experience some of the most powerful modalities first hand and you will also learn how you can weave this into your business as well:


Anchor Your Confidence

NLP is basically a user manual for the mind. It is the way we use the basic language of our minds to consistently achieve the results we want in our lives. For day one you will learn to understand the foundation of the subconscious mind and how to use it to accelerate your growth.


Tap Into Your Abundance

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT, also known as tapping, focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots to restore balance to your body's energy. For day two specifically we will learn the science behind balancing your energy to call in the abundance you desire and deserve.


Become A Client Magnet

You will learn how to create familiar future memories that allow you to create a blueprint to see your vision through. We will discuss how to call in soulmate clients, how to recommit to your compound effect, sell out your offers and stand out as the coach you’re called to be!

 These are non-negotiable and transformational modalities that have changed my life and business and my clients’ lives as well!

You are essentially getting a behind the scenes opportunity to my ELEVATE Method Certification Program. This is your chance to experience some of the most life changing modalities first hand.

Becoming a certified coach through the ELEVATE Method you are given the tools to uplevel your life, mind and success. The ELEVATE Method Coaching Certification Program has proven modalities that help you to facilitate transformation that goes deeper, lasts longer and happens quicker. This brings a completely new level of transformation and access to an expansive toolbox helping you to meet your clients right where they are.

Sign up now, for this FREE Challenge that will give you the tools you need to increase your impact and your income as a coach

**Challenge will be held December 20- December 22nd at 7pm EST/6pm CST/ 4pm PST**

About Dr Nicolya

Dr. Nicolya is a Christian, 12x best-selling author, girl mom, and Transformational coach.

She is also certified in human design, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom tapping, and hypnotherapy.  After she was certified she felt like more women needed these tools to create lasting transformation in their life. Hence why she began the elevate method institute.  As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, Dr. Nicolya helps women bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. She also supports women at stepping into the role of a coach confidently and with the tools they need to create a ripple effect in the lives they touch.

As a coach, Dr. Nicolya has helped women launch extremely profitable courses, become international best-selling authors, overcome fear and get speaking engagements, 10x their productivity, heal trauma and pain, overcome addictions, and get their coaching businesses monetized.

 Don’t cheat yourself out of becoming the coach you're called to be!

What You'll Learn During The Challenge:

  1. How to create true inner balance, self acceptance, and confidence to show up as the coach you're called to be

  2. A foolproof mindset formula to help you step into your next level and tools you can use to help your clients do the same

  3. The tools you need to STAND OUT as a highly sought after coach

  4. How to clear out what has been keeping you stuck so you can propel yourself into the life and business you desire

Here’s What Others Are Saying….

Whew!!! I wrote down more in this one hour than I wrote all week. I am so excited because now feel super confident to just be me as that's my greatest asset (in my Dr. Nicolya voice)! I finally am here stepping into my NEXT LEVEL! I already scheduled my second discovery call for my new membership after closing my first! Thank you Dr. Nicolya you are so amazing and inspiring!

— Chavonne

 Have you been putting your goals, visions, and desires on the back burner?

Here's a little serves no one (including yourself) to play small and enough is enough

It's time for a desire it and honestly you deserve it

If you want to be a life-changing coach you're in the right place!

This is for you if:

• You desire to become the go to coach

• You're looking for effective techniques to use with clients to create lasting transformation

• You know you're called to be a leader

• You desire to have the tools to improve your own mindset

• You're looking for the tools to create a profitable business from your passion

• You're ready to create a freedom based business. 

• You're willing to make a temporary sacrifice, put in the work, be committed and dedicated to build the business of your dreams 

Also when you sign up for the challenge you will a super sexy offer to join the certification at a no brainer price AND access to some super dope bonuses!

So what are you waiting for? There is literally no better time than now to do what your future self will thank you for!

Join us to anchor your confidence, tap into your abundance and become a client magnet!

2023 © Dr Nicolya Williams, Clarity Creations | All rights reserved