Do you feel like your divorce has knocked you on your butt?

Do you feel like your divorce has taken a toll on your overall well-being?

Are you struggling with making sense of life with the way things are going?

When I was going through my divorce I had to learn to dig deep to learn more of who I truly was.  I felt like I lost myself.

I mean who was I without a title?

Who was I as a single? 

Was I ever going to be lovable?

Was something wrong with me?

I am sure these are all questions you're wondering about as well.

It is easy in the midst of chaos and change to lose yourself.

Sadly, it is tempting to negotiate your value and wear down on your self-esteem….but that’s no good. 

You likely spent a good deal of your relationship trying to be something you weren’t.

During your marriage, you probably made some accommodations and compromises for the sake of the relationship.

And now you’re left trying to decide who you are below the things you pretended to be.

This can be one of the most difficult parts of the process causing you to want to give up altogether.

I mean after it all is said and done you’re left with a little resemblance of life as you once knew it.

Then you begin to wonder if life will ever make sense

Will you always hate yourself and your decisions?

Will you always be unable to move forward?

Most people wonder ...why do some people farewell after a divorce and others struggle.

The answer is simple yet profound.

You can either commit to being happy or you can commit to feeling sorry for yourself.

You can either commit to being a victim of your circumstances or you can commit to making the change.

You can commit to whining or you can commit to doing the work.

You can either commit to pretending to be okay and putting on a facade or you can commit to prioritizing self-love and restoring your life.

I'm just being REAL!


Hi, I am Dr. Nicolya.

To be honest with you for years I did feel sorry for myself, I believed I was a victim and I was very sad and did not believe that happiness existed.

But when I made a non-negotiable decision to find myself and make self-love a non-negotiable my entire life changed.

I was no longer committed to looking good on the outside

I was no longer committed to pretending to feel good

I was only dedicated to truly inner healing and self-love

This process not only changed my mind it changed my actions and my life

 Take a moment to consider what would your life look like and how would it change if you committed to self-love?

Your life would change tremendously

You would have peace

You would have more clarity

You would have more confidence

For once life would begin to make sense

I know you’re probably wondering how to start 

The great news is you don’t have to blaze this trail alone.

You don’t have to try to figure out what self-love is or even how to make it a priority in your life.

I have used my own experience as well as my results when working with clients one on one to craft a totally FREE single self-love course teaching you how to do just that and most importantly create a life you love.

In the FREE single self-love course I teach you

-What has kept you from healing

-How to get to know this fabulous person who’s been hiding inside you

-How to overcome the obstacles that keep you from making self love a priority

-Steps to incorporating boundaries

-How to increase self-awareness

-How to increase self-respect

-How to truly love yourself

Sign up for the totally FREE
Self Love Course For Singles Course

If you sign up today you will also get a totally Free*Bonus* Personal Development Mini-Course.

Through this course, you will learn how to understand what makes you YOU and how to create a more fulfilling purpose.
This is for fast action takers only (you don't want to miss this one)!

 What My Clients Are Saying:

“Dr. Nicolya helped me through an exceedingly difficult divorce and is still helping me adjust to my post-divorce life. It is comforting to be able to talk with someone who has been through a similar experience. Dr.  Nicolya is genuinely concerned with my well-being, and is always there for me when I need solid advice. Support like this is hard to find!”

— Arya M.

“Your 7 steps to survive your split is really a burden breaker. It blessed our small group in Africa immensely. It really lit us up and helped our instructor learn ways to support us better. Thank you!”

— Lin B.

“Dr. Nicolya keeps getting better with time. I am happy to know and have her in my corner.”

—Chavonne S., Step Mom Coach

“Dr. Nicolya you are strong, unique and amazing. You are destined for greatness and your story and encouragement for women like me is life changing. Thank you for you!”

— Aleigha R.

Dr. Nicolya is a transformational coach, 12X best-selling author, and blogger for women.

As a coach, she divides her time between empowering women one on one and motivating groups of women through masterclasses. When not spending time on her business Dr. Nicolya enjoys spending time with her daughters, reading, attending church, or exercising at the gym.

You can connect with Dr. Nicolya at or on social media @NicolyaWilliams.

  Copyright © 2023 Dr. Nicolya Williams