Keep a lookout in your email because the details are coming your way!

In the meantime, I have a


The Truth is........

81% of people want to write a book, but only 1% actually do it


The 1% is actually dedicated to their goals

They don’t let their fear stop they let it fuel them

They work on their goals EVERY DAY

They learn how to market effectively​

Hi! I am Dr. Nicolya.

I am a transformational coach, 12x best-selling author and course creator.

It is my desire to help women turn their message into their masterpiece.

I have been featured in The Huffington Post, Belong Magazine and dozens of podcasts.

Let me be your book writing guru…

I will show you exactly what you need to do to get started and how to stand out!

Did you know that 5,000 new book titles are being added to Amazon every single day?

Although that is a lot of books....none of those books are YOURS!​

People will never read your book if it doesn't exist

That is what I am here for!!​

I created the Make Your Book Stand Out Training for this exact purpose.​

I created this to give you a strategic step-by-step process that gets your book in the eyes of your ideal reader. 

Most importantly I give you the tools you need to STAND OUT in a saturated market!

Taking the Make Your Book Stand Out Training was life-changing! I thought I had a good handle on what I needed to do to market my book effectively. That could not have been further from the truth.

I am so glad I met Nicolya when I did because that brought things back into perspective and got me on the right track.

— Brittnie S.

In This Training I Will Show You....

  • How to use the best approach to make your writing appealing to your audience

  • Identifying a catchy yet marketable title

  • How books are judged by the cover and how to make one that is judged well

  • The two most important things to focus on from beginning to end

This training is for you if:

You have written your book, but it is not selling

You are just beginning your book and you want to set yourself up for success from the very beginning

You know you have people that NEED to read your book​

Here is what you get:

  • Make Your Book Stand Out Workbook

  • The 7 Imperative Questions You Must Answer Prior To Writing Your Book

  • Plan To Publish Checklist

  • Three Day Book Publishing Kit

  • First Time Author's Handbook

  • Video Training

All of this usually goes for $97….

For YOU it's ONLY $37​ today!!!

The last thing you want to do is publish a book that just blends with all the rest.

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