Dr Nicolya Williams

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Book Writing Mini Course

Just a month ago you would have done anything for extra time and now it's here.
If you're working from home, you have cut your travel time down and that easily frees up writing time.
If you're at home and not working then you have some more time than that.
So let me ask you, how are you using your time?
In reality things will go back to "normal" in a few weeks and what will you have to show for your social isolation time?
For years you have had a dream to write a book . How would your life change if you had a book to show for this time?
Hi! I'm Dr. Nicolya, best-selling author of 9 books. When I started writing my first book I had no clue what I was doing. I spent years researching and trying to piece together what seemed like a never ending puzzle!
It was beyond exhausting and almost caused me to give up, but I kept going.
Because I have been where you are I know how daunting the book writing process can be. That is why I created the Write Your Book in 30 Days Training to help women just like you write your book without the overwhelm.
I have now taken all of my years research, writing and publishing and packaged it up just for you in my FREE five day book writing mini course.
In this class you will learn:
- How to overcome limiting beliefs that prevent you from writing and publishing your book
-Quick and creative writing strategies
-How to create a schedule and make writing a priority
- A practical strategy to get your book finished in 30 days
- And the best strategy to get book published and prosper off of it!
Click here to join us. Trust me you don't want to miss this! Sign up here:
There are two type of people that will come out of this quarantine social isolation time.
Type one- This type says "Man I didn't get anything done I need more time. because I spent too much time on social media, watching netflix and being bored".
Type two- This type says "I am so proud of myself for all that I got accomplished. I have so much to show for this down time"
Which type will you be?