What is a writer?
What is a writer anyways? This is a question that I often hear when working with women who desire to write books. There are so many misconceptions about what a writer looks like and should be. In today’s world, we all have a chance to become a writer and share our message all across the world. The trouble is that most of us avoid this possibility even though it’s something we desire to do.Study show that 81% of the population desires to write a book but only 3% go forward and actually write it. On top of that only 20% of people who write their books actually publish it. When I read this statistic I was astounded. I couldn’t believe how many women have had dreams to become an author and allowed their dream to die.So I set out on a journey to see why there are so many people giving up on their writing dreams. In the process, I found that the women have come to believe-“their writing wasn’t good enough” or -“their story didn’t matter” or-“they weren’t the right person to write that book” or-“they had to have certain qualifications to become a writer “. While all of these are valid fears that many new writers face not one of them are a good excuse to avoid sharing your story. What a waste of great material that could be published!As an author myself learning this truly broke my heart. When I first began writing I dealt with a lot of beliefs that were there to keep me stuck with just hoping and wishing. I decided to push past the beliefs I had about being a writer and it was the best decision that I ever made. There are so many women with such powerful stories that could literally change lives. But if all they believe is the negative thoughts about themselves or the myths of what a writer is supposed to be then they will never go forward and actually make the writing happen.I asked a group of authors to share their thoughts about what a writer truly is:A writer is an architect of words and possibilities that shine light in the realities of those that come across their work through their unique views and approach.Rae Alicea A writer is a Griot who breathes life into words; as images imprinted on the mind. A writer is a soul-full mediator who shares her experiences. A writer learns to READ like a writer! A writer is the grammatically, analytically, and critically purveyor of history.Dr. Monica Bickerstaff Riley, DHM A writer is someone who has the ability to translate what they have experienced in life onto the page in such a way that the reader feels like they were right there in the moment with the writer experiencing every emotion to the fullest. The writing helps people connect in a way that if they can't identify, they can at least empathize.Tequita C. Brice A writer is someone who takes something they naturally can show up and DO for others but helps them more by teaching them HOW to do it themselves through written word. A writer takes their natural gift, focuses, and figures out a way to help people where they get stuck. A writer creates a step-by-step process to help those who don't share their gift. A writer is a hard worker with a passion that must be shared ... physically showing up is not enough for a writer. A writer wants to guide you by giving you written word that you can access whenever you need.Terry Elisabeth Chan A writer is someone who has thought enough about their perspectives and opinions that they make the choice to share their voice with others. A great writer does it well, and brings beings together through the language and communication that comes from that initial drive to create and share. Miss Communication
A Writer is anyone with a story to share. For myself and my journey into writing I didn’t think of myself as writer until one day I had almost completed my second draft of my book. I put my imaginary hat off and placed it on the hat rack and told myself Sarah you are a writer, now get on with it. I am also a meditation teacher and have been practicing for 14 yrs, journaling was something I did for as long as I could remember to do. It’s a challenging career being a writer for sure! There were times where I wanted to throw my laptop into the fireplace, but gaining access to a deeper drive and constantly showing up to write my novel pushed me through those blocks. I set time out everyday to write and it didn’t matter how little or how much I wrote during that time. What mattered was I was showing up for myself. Before long those two sentences built into paragraphs which built into the completion of my book. Showing up constantly for myself gave me the confidence to move and work through whatever blocks I was facing.Sarah Delaney-Mpulubusi A writer is someone who has the ability to creatively express their opinions, thoughts, ideas, and passions through the art of writing. This can be done in the form of poetry, short stories, novels, how to guides and more. Being a writer is having a unique outlet to one's soul which serves as a gift to the community of readers that they serve.Whit Devereaux Someone who puts any form of idea, opinion , expression a whether real or fiction in wordsHarleen A writer is a dreamer, or a person who has overcame some life challenges, or a person who has a talent that they want to share with the world, or a person who want to inspire others in some kind of way. A writer is someone who expresses themselves and bring their thoughts and dreams alive through writing!Diedre R. Harris A writer is a being who is able to creatively express themselves in a therapeutic style. A person who is kind enough to share the inside scoop of their world. Someone who doesn’t believe in limits just as myself when I write I allow my pen to flow freely, in fact, I think every writer should. The beauty of being a writer is you’re in the moment. A judgment-free zone where you’re able to not only heal yourself but heal another as well. A selfless beauty indeed!Nisha J A writer is some one who allows the space of their soul to be expressed, articulated, verbalized into words. However vast, however deep, however complex - writers commit to taking that deep breath and allowing the expression of soul, spirit and story to pour through them.Nora Jacques
A writer is someone that's a risk taker. A writer uses their pen and paper to create the unknown. Writers brains are always full of ideas. There is no wrong or right way to become a writer. Writer's write what we feel. Writing is therapeutic for me. I love to express myself through my pen. Laney Largarde A writer is someone who is able to convey a situation, story, thing, or action using words that promotes feeling and visual images in the mind; it is often something they are passionate about.Della Mack A writer is someone who has gone through a life changing experience in their lifetime, who is ready to share their personal or fictional journey with the world. They are also motivated by their life purpose to connect and inspire others to be their true selves; via their own force of internal and divine creativity. Chiko Matenda A writer is a person who literally puts their heart on paper. The mere task of daily journaling can spark a fire of creativity that not even the creator will understand. When we allow what's in our hearts to come forth through the written word, it not only changes our lives but also the lives of others! One important thing that a writer understands is that what they write isn't for them. There is someone sometime somehow and in someway who needs that something that is sitting on your heart!Tammie Polk
A writer is someone with a story to tell. You don't have to be great at English or grammar to write. You don't need degrees or experience either. You just need a passion to share your experiences with others and someone to help you bring your story to life. Carmen Prince Jackson A writer is someone who has great courage to use their words to change the lives of others. Catt Serano A writer is someone that can create a picture in the minds of those reading their words. A great writer engages the readers emotions and leaves an impact.Makini Smith A Writer is powerful. Through the power and influence of the pen, writers are some of the most majestic people to walk the earth, if they use the pen for good. When they use it for the right reasons, writers ignite fire to the hearts of people around the world. Writers are creative beings who were placed in the world to tell stories that others may be too afraid to share. They are divine thought leaders who shift the way people look at their own lives and others around them. Heart-filled writers are servant commanders who give from their souls to summon people to be the highest version of themselves.Jasmine L. Thomas
A Writer is an artist that paints a picture with their words on a blank canvas. They have the ability to take someone on an imaginative journey with their words. Just like a doctor, a writer can write a literary prescription to heal someone's soul. A writer writes from a sacred place of experience. A writer has a universal voice, that can adapt, captivate and inspire millions.Deltra Monique Williams A writer is NOT someone who simply writes. A writer is a person who uses their written words in creative ways to communicate their ideas. A writer is someone who takes their experiences and uses them as a stepping stone to help others all across the world. A writer is a person who uses their words to motivate, inspire and empower their reader. A writer knows the power of their words written and the meaning behind those words.Kaelyn Williams When I think of becoming a writer one quote stands out in my mind. It is that quote of Anaiss Nin which says “and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”. A true writer knows there is no power in keeping their words inside but the real power is in opening up, and embracing the vulnerability of their words.Being recognized a writer is one of the best titles I have ever received!-Dr. Nicolya WilliamsIf you desire to start writing your book sign up for my FREE 5 Day Book Writing Jump Start Challenge Today!