How do you find time to read?

As an author as well as a life coach a question that I get frequently is how I am able to read so many books.

I hear this question from people who desire to read more regularly but just can’t find the time.
The truth is for a while I stopped reading because honestly, my doctoral program reading requirements burned me out. When I graduated I got to a point where I swore I may never read again.

Thank goodness I let that promise go.

Deep down I recognized that there is a ton of value in reading and so I committed to reading regularly.

The difference now is I get to pick the books I read and I feel more inspired to read knowing the benefits of it.
Studies have shown that reading can actually prevent Alzheimer's, dementia, reading can reduce stress, expand your vocabulary, and help to inform your writing.

The best thing about reading is that we live in such a fast-paced world that our attention is always being focused on 1 million different things. Reading allows us to improve our focus by taking time to hone in on one thing at a time and shutting off the rest of the world. It’s like a brief and convenient getaway!

When I was growing my business I knew that the only way to understand how to be an awesome author and effective entrepreneur was through educating myself.
While I hired a coach I quickly knew that reading would be a key component to accomplishing this goal.
I also learned that a daily habit of wealthy and smart people was reading. Research says the average millionaire reads 50 books a year, while the average American reads 12.
When reading this I set a goal to finish 52 books by the end of the year (1 for each week)
Last year I surpassed that goal and finished with a total of 57 books that I read.
Here is how I did it!

If you committed to making reading a regular practice how would your life shift?

Also f you are looking for some books to kick your reading habit off right check out my books

You can also check out what I am reading for more info here:


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