The Stages Of Marketing Your Book

Do not wait until you're done writing and have published your book to begin to market- that's honestly too late! In fact I challenge you to start preseeding now. When marketing your book there are three phases:


The goal of pre-launch marketing strategy is to generate and build some excitement around your launch so that when you finally do publish your book, your ideal readers will be scrambling to click “buy.” This is also your readiness validation- to see who is ready for the book and intice them. You can also use this time to learn more about what they're interested in so when it's time to officially launch you know what will draw them in. The pre launching phase can start the moment you begin writing. You can share a little about what you're writing about, some other writings you have completed and what people can expect. I even reccomend sharing a book trailer or book cover to build the excitment. At bare minimum you need to be doing pre-seeding thirty days in advance. I call it preseeding because you're laying the seeds, watering it and allowing the plant to grow. You can also create a waitlist during this time too. A special note is to make those on the waitlist feel highly important, by giving them value while they're waiting (i.e. send highlights of your book, times you're going to do a reading or other things you have written or give a special discount for when the book launches).

Hard selling

This is the heavy part of the launch process. During this stage use social media to promote, share the value of the book. Share why you wrote it and why it is unique. I suggest you being visible during this time. Create space for people to ask questions, use your Instagram stories, go live, post, etc.  I personally have used this time and read parts of my story as well because if you leave people with a good cliff hanger they are more inclined to want to finish the story. The hard selling needs to also be around 30 days long, but I suggest the heaviest push be about a week long. During this time be sure you create a sense of urgency. You can do this by adding a countdown timer or a special fast action bonus for those who purchase.

Post launch

This is after the heavy push. Unlike a traditional program or course your book will always be available, but this is your reflection time as an author. During this time you will measure your impact, sustain buzz and conversation around your book- still highlighting your expertise. Also get reviews, feedback and  testimonials so you can use those to highlight the value of your book and give those on the fence the extra nudge to take the leap over.The biggest thing I need you to do is NOT wait until you are done writing or publishing to launch you book. Start telling the world you're about to birth your book baby!If you're looking for tools to write, publish and market your book without the overwhelm sign up for my FREE write your book in 30 days training HERE:


Goal Setting For Success


How To Market Your Online Course