How to Pick a Word for the Year
Welcome to a new year with 365 new opportunities. This is honestly my favorite time of year because it’s like a clean slate to clarify what we desire and take aligned action to manifest it. While many people set New Years resolutions and goals one concept that is big in the personal development word is picking a word for the year. This is something my daughters and I have done for the last 3 years and I love it. Now this process isn’t about crossing another goal off your list, it’s about creating a mantra to help guide your daily actions and become a better version of yourself because it gives you a foundation to build upon and also gives you the momentum to keep pressing. So if you have never picked a word listen up cuz I am going to share how you can choose the most aligned word for yourself.
Reflect on the last year- what do you observe about last year? What do you wish you did more of? What would have supported your growth last year?
Identify what you want moving into the next year- as we move into this year what are you hoping to accomplish? What is it you would like to feel?
Visualize what this looks and feels like. Take some time to be still with your thoughts and feelings to dig deep and see what comes up. If there were no roadblocks or red tape what would you like your life to look like? What do you see hear and feel as you think of that? What could you do to bring this foreword?
Consider what words summarize this feeling and what you desire. Pick your top 3 and sit with them for a while. Feel into them.
Now ask yourself do you feel interested in the word or are you committed to it? - If you’re just “interested” then you’ll likely make excuses as to why you’re not putting forth the effort to actually live it. But if you’re “Committed” to your word, you’ll do whatever it takes to implement that word and bring it to fruition
Which word can you say you’re 100% committed to? Pick that one! Hang it up in a place where you can see it and keep it at the forefront of your mind all the time.
Do not feel the need to rush this process it may take a few hours or it may take a few days. Both are okay because you truly want to pick a word you’re aligned with. Once you choose your word come back and share it here! I would love to hear more about it! Know that this word will guide you through the year and will give you the needed tools to bring your designs into life more and more! Before you know it they will become a part of who you are.
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