3 Mistakes Coaches Make That Prevent Them From Getting Clients

As a coach in the online space, obviously one of your biggest dreams would be to have an impact. You want to be able to call in those soulmate clients and to really be able to facilitate that change, that transformation that they desire and deserve. But if you're one of those coaches that's beenposting online, sharing about your offers, hustling your way to success, but it feels like no matter what you do, you just can't seem to make it happen. Stay tuned, because today we're going to talk about the three things that could be preventing you from calling in and magnetizing those who make clients and what you should do instead. So the first mistake that I see that a lot of coaches make is they don't have a solid or well understood brand.


I remember this was back in 2017. I had my very first discovery call. I didn't really know all of what I was doing, but I remember the lady asking me, do you have a website I can check out?


Instead of just being honest, I told her I had a website and I spent five days rushing trying to create a website- which in the end I hated  I hated the colors, I hated the theme. But my desire was to get my website up so that she could see I was a “real coach” and she would want to work with me. Unfortunately, she decided not to move forward and honestly I can’t say I blame her.


This experience comes to the forefront when I think about the importance of branding, because branding is so important to showcase the message that you want people to feel when they interact with you and your brand. So branding. You want to think about what theme you want to extend. You want to think about the feeling you want to evoke when people come in alignment with your brand. You want to think about the colors and how people are going to connect that with your brand and how all of that aligns.


For me, I'm like, I couldn't really pick a color, so I just threw any random colors together. At the time, the colors were turquoise and pink and yellow, and then on top of that, I had on a bright blue outfit. There was no cohesive brand. it wasn't until I started to work with a branding coach who supported me with a total rebrand. During this process I started to think about the emotions that I wanted my potential clients to feel when they connected with me.


I started to think about the message I wanted to send to people who are just scrolling past and looking at my brand. And I started to make sure that this aligned all the way across the board. And things changed for me tremendously. Now if you're new in this space and you're like, I don't know where to begin. Start to look at other brands that you admire and look at what they're doing right and what they're doing wrong or what it is that you can glean from them. Once you do this the creative juices will begin to flow and you will have so much fun. The best part is there is amazing online tool called Canva that you can use for free to start designing according to your brand.


The second mistake I find that coaches make in the online space that often pushes clients away or makes it hard to magnetize them to you is not clearly explaining what it is that you do and the benefit that people get from working with you. Many coaches focus on all of the beneifts of the offer. So they may discuss the number of workbooks or modules and what is in each one. In doing so they forget to discuss the transformation that gets to happen inside of their program. People buy transformation NOT information.

Your job is to clearly explain how you bridge that gap from where they are to where they want to be and why they need you to be able to do it. One of the things that I did when I was doing market research for my certification program is I started to talk to coaches who were ideal clients about other programs that they had been in, other courses that they had invested in, books that they had read and conferences they attended. And what I paid close attention to was the value that they got from those offers and the gaps that they felt like existed. Therefore when I began to promote my offer I spoke to the parts that made my program unique and also how I could support them with their pain points.


Finally, the third mistake that I see and probably the biggest one is not mastering your mindset. Here's the thing. You could post all day. You could hustle all day. You could have the most beautiful website and most thorough Instagram feed. You could have the greatest copy and most comprehensive brand. But if your mind isn't aligned with the success that you desire to create, it just won't happen. Carol Dweck is the pioneer of the growth mindset concept. One of the things that she says is having a growth mindset really triggers that drive and that willingness to be able to create the success that you desire and deserve.


And this is why I say mindset is pivotal when it comes to business, because it relates to so many different facets of your business. Let me explain. First thing, think about the way in which you show up. If you don't fully believe that you're a life changing coach, how are you going to show up. You will show up in a way that validates exactly what it is that you believe.


Think about the way that you price your offers. If you don't believe that you're worthy of really creating or facilitating transformation with your clients, how are you going to price accordingly? Think about it. If you do not believe in your mind that you are worthy of receiving clients, how will you in turn, be able to call them in? All in all, as you can tell, mindset is huge in this online coaching space and this is why you first must believe in your mind, embody your brand and then to be able to show up from there.


If you are trying to teach people how to leave their nine to five, but you haven't left your nine to five or can't even wrap your mind around it in your head, how can you show up that way? If you are coaching people on losing the weight right after they had their baby, but you have not lost yours yet- how is that aligned? If you want to teach people about mastering their mindset but you haven't mastered yours or even worked on trying to, how can you show up from there?


We cannot achieve in our external world that which we haven't already believed in our internal world. And this is why mindset is so critical.


This is where I say this is the missing piece of the puzzle is with most coaching programs and offers. Many people teach about marketing, launching and even the foundational tools of building a business, but mindset is often so overlooked. Even for myself this Is what I spent years investing in without making much progress.


Most coaches in turn show up with all of their focus on the systems, they'll have the strategies, they'll have the support, they'll have the website, they'll have the copy, but they won't have the mindset. And without it, it makes it difficult for you to be able to move the needle forward and create that business that you desire. Considering this, how does your mindset contribute to your success?


What beliefs do you have about your business that serve you and what beliefs do you have that get in the way?


Really taking time to reflect on that and most importantly, prioritizing your mindset can really shift the entire outcome for you.




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