Why people aren't buying from you, and how to change that?

As a new and aspiring coach, it can be extremely frustrating when you know that what you have to offer the world is amazing, but it seems like no one else sees the value.

  • You share your expertise.

  • You give people free tips.

  • You shout from the rooftops for all to hear...

But no one is ready to take that next step and purchase your program/ work with you one-on-one/ or join your course.

The truth is, it's not you!!

Once you understand what prevents people from buying, you learn how to move beyond that and get them to commit to the next step.

There are three main things that prevent people from buying from you. So let's talk about those three reasons and, more importantly, what you can do to avoid them.


The first reason people do not take the first step is because of time. Let’s be honest we live in a busy world, and many of us are balancing a lot of different commitments in the idea of taking on yet another commitment can feel overwhelming. While the potential client could desire to take the next step, the time commitment could feel like another barrier, making it feel impossible to commit to what it is they desire.


The second reason people are not committing to taking that next step is because of money. Research says that 49% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Therefore the idea of having to spend your money on something else can also feel exhausting and even a little bit scary.

Think about it, if you’re living on an already tight budget needing to commit to yet another expense may feel too far out of reach. A lot of coaches will tell you that money is never truly a barrier because a lot of times if people really want something, they’ll make it happen.

But I’m here to share that there are things that I’ve made happen because they were necessities, and on the flip side, there are things that I genuinely wanted to happen but couldn’t make happen because, at that moment, they were not considered the bare minimum or the necessities. So I understand that finances can be a very real barrier preventing people from taking the next step.


The third reason that people do not commit to buying is because of limiting beliefs. We all have limiting beliefs from time to time, and we know that limiting beliefs are extremely powerful. They can either make you, or they can break you.

So when you have a client that’s presenting with the limiting belief that’s keeping them stuck, understand that without moving beyond that, they will stay exactly where they are. Whether it’s because they’ve already tried to commit to making change by themselves or maybe they have already tried to work with another coach, and they haven’t seen the transformation that they desired, a lot of people end up with a bitter state of being.

Meaning that they don’t believe that transformation is actually available for them. In turn, they don’t trust themselves to make the change or the decision all because of the beliefs they have created around it. Because they don’t believe in themselves or that the change can exist for them, they create a comfort zone with where they are currently, and in turn, they become stagnant.

Regardless of the reason, the best thing that you can do is to pay attention to where the potential client is showing a block. Once you identify where they’re showing a block speak to that part. First and foremost, the client is going to feel very hear and understood, and in turn, they will likely feel very safe.

So, for example, if you notice the person is talking about feeling overwhelmed with balancing and wearing many hats, speak to the fact that your program helps them to cut down on time because now they have a formula that works instead of trying to figure it out all on their own.

If you notice that the person is talking about their spouse just recently got their hours cut at work, and now their budget is tighter than normal, speak to the fact that you offer a payment plan for your program/course/one on one, etc.

Now it’s more than simply just talking about these things and addressing them outright; there are ways to address these things indirectly as well. For example, one thing that I always do is I like to share testimonials. The reality is you’re going to speak highly of what it is that you have to offer; in fact, you should. But the truth is people expect that, and sometimes there’s a little bit of hesitancy as it relates to that.

So one strategy that works really well for me is I like to share testimonials of results the other people have gotten when they’ve taken the next step with me. This not only shows that you can create transformations for other people, but it also validates those people that are on the fence by letting them see that what was available for somebody else can potentially be available for them as well.

Another way in which I indirectly speak to these points as I talk about what makes my services different than any other coach. The reality is there are many coaches all around the world, and many of those coaches are doing something similar to what you’re doing, but nobody is doing exactly what you are. Your voice, your perspective, your approach, and the container you build and present it from are all going to be unique. So speak from that place, letting people know why your program is unique and why that is important for them.

The more you know, the more you grow and the more you can help other people. Once you understand what is blocking your potential client from moving forward, you help them to understand what’s in the way, you give them the tools to move beyond that barrier, and you give them their power to make an informed and life-changing decision by committing to taking the next step with you.

If you’re looking for more support, more tools, and more strategies on your journey to being able to increase your income and your impact as a coach, I have just a thing for you. In my get your next paying client now guide, you will learn how to increase your magnetism and your success without overwhelm. I look forward to connecting with you there!


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