4 Pillars To Creating Content That Converts

Today we're going to be talking all about creating content that converts. Now we all know that content is super important. It's a great way to engage your audience. It's a great way to show what it is that you have to offer. It's also an opportunity to communicate your message to your tribe.

It's a great way for for people to see why you stand out.

Now with that said creating content isn't always easy. If you're anything like I was when I began my coaching journey the idea of what to post, when to post, who to talk to etc was all overwhelming.

Therefore today we're going to talk about the four pillars that I use to create content that really helps me to know, relate and speak directly to my soulmate clients. So that, in turn, I'm actually able to magnetize them to me.

These are four pillars that I have created that helped me to be intentional about what I post and to meet my clients right where they are. What I love most about my pillars is that they follow the clients journey..

I am going to break it down and give different examples so that you can think of ways that you can take your business model and use this same process to really be able to call in those dream clients as well.

So the four pillars
1. The trusted identity
2. The tested identity
3. The transitioning identity
4. And the transformed identity.

When you weave all four of these pillars together, you essentially create captivating content that naturally magnetizes your audience to you that has your audience wondering how they can get more. It will have your audience wondering how they can get more and they will want to be in your energy as well.

So let's dive in and talk about the four different pillars. So first we have the trusted identity. This is the relatability factor. What makes people want to trust you. Research says that if people do not know you like you and trust you, they are less likely to take that next step with you. Therefore it's important that you create this trusted identity. This is the very reason why I always say you have a business but you are a person behind your business so show up and show you. Your brand encompasses who you are as a person. So, for example, I'm a coach that supports helping coaches with building a profitable, sustainable and impactful brand. But I'm also a mom.

There are times where I may do a reel with my daughters. There are times where I may talk about different things that my daughters have done or different events that they have and things like that because it still showcases who I am behind the brand. There's also part of me that will talk about my healing journey because my healing journey is what birthed my business. So I'm really creating this relatability factor when I share these things. This allows people get to know why I am doing this, the why behind my brand and who I am on a more personal level. I have even had a few clients buy from me because I am a single mother in this coaching space and they relate to that as single mothers themselves.

This is extremely powerful because the more people get to know you, like you and trust you, the more likely they will be ready to take that next step with you.

So take time to think about what makes you relatable. What makes you be a person that someone could trust? It could be that you talk a lot about you being a parent or it could be that you talk a lot about you being a step parent. You could talk a lot about your degree or your certification, or you could talk a lot about maybe different things that you've run into and why you've built out this brand. One of the things that I talk about in addition to parenting, is that I talk about how I as a coach, really value intimate connection, I talk about me being an introvert and how in depth, and intellectual conversations are really appealing to me, and how I weave that into containers I create.

Because of that, a lot of people have come to me and said, I love the intimate feel that I get in your page. And I love when I work with you and I get this intimate access to you, it feels really safe. My own introversion has allowed me to create this trusted identity by adding in different parts of my life and my personality and weaving that into the way that I show up.

Next is the tested identity pillar. So this is the struggle, the wound, the pain points, the things that people are running into that are preventing them from getting to the next level. So when you're creating content, you don't just want to always speak to the pain points, and a lot of coaches will tell you, speak to the pain points. I think it's really important, but I think that it's also important that you balance it out with the other four pillars.

When I speak to pain points I also talk about how I can support them through it. Maybe for you for example you're talking about your journey to becoming a weight loss coach. You may choose to share your story and say "I tried to lose weight, and so I did all of these things like a fad diets and extreme eating shifts but what I learned is that is not sustainable". So then you share how you teach others to lose weight in a sustainable fashion so that you can actually keep it off and you can build it into your lifestyle. So this is where you're speaking to the pain points, but also addressing how you can support them.

The third pillar is the messy middle, the transitioning identity. So this is the part of the process that we don't want to talk about. We want the quick, we want the easy, we want the fast. If I'm being honest, we live in a microwave mentality society where we want success and we want it now.

When we set a goal it's common to want the outcome now. And that has a lot to do with what we see on social media, where we see these people that have these massive wins. They lost a ton of weight really quick. They manifested their love life overnight. They started this business and already had 100k month.

So we see these massive wins. But what we don't see behind the scenes is there is a lot to the process that becomes really messy. The best way I can conceptualize this is to think of it is a storm.

Rain can be really messy, but then it also can contribute to plants growing and the beauty of the rainbow that comes at the end of the storm. So there is still going to be a messy process, but there still can be a growth or expansion from that place. When I started my business, there was a lot of ups and downs where I would call in clients and then I would not call in clients for what felt like forever. But I committed to this vision of mine. I learned that the power isn't in the initial commitment. The power is in constantly committing to your vision again and again and again. Even when it's tough or inconvenient and makes no sense.

When I talk about content, I talk about that part of the transitioning identity that many clients can relate to.For me specifically a big part of my brand is that I talk about small daily commitments that I make every single day that leads to massive results. Because those seemingly meaningless steps can lead to massive results.

I'm also vulnerable enough to share that my middle was messy. But I also learned a lot from that mess. I talk about failure and how failure is actually feedback and that we shouldn't run from failure. We should be excited for failure because that helps to propel us in the direction to learn quickly, to learn intentionally.

Let's say again, that you're that weight loss coach. Maybe that transitioning identity is where they've lost a lot of weight, but then they kind of stagnate for a little bit and they stay at this weight. That's not their ideal weight so they are a bit discouraged. Talking about the lesson that takes place there and encouraging your tribe with it can be really great and supportive. What is there to learn and how they can stay committed to the ultimate vision, to be able to get to the transformed identity, which is the final of the four pillars.

The transformed Identity is that next level version of you. It's the next level self. Honestly, I see most content that people post around the transformed identity. You can live the life that you desire. You can live your dream life. You could be a millionaire, you could start a business, you could lose 35 lbs in a week, you can get your body back after having a baby, you can manifest the husband of your dreams etc.

While I think it's great for coaches and healers in this online space to address the transformed identity, I do think it's important to weave in all four pillars when possible. So for me, I talk about the transformed identity when people come to my program, by addressing what happens when you commit to your vision and discussing what happens when you say yes to what it is that your body is calling you to. I also talk about what's available for you when you create this transformation.

So, for example, when I share about The Elevate Method Certification I talk about how the transitioning identity is that you struggle to master your mind.

So you're trying to overcome self sabotage, you're trying to overcome limiting beliefs that you've normalized for years. But then when you do, you now have subconscious reprogramming that aligns with the success you desire and deserve. You get to step into this transformed identity of this embodied, confident, next level version of you, you show up confident, you show up intentionally when maybe you are scared to you trust yourself and you trust your decisions. You create boundaries unapologetically. This is a transformed identity that I really address and talk about.

But I also talk about what it takes to be able to get there. I'm not only or solely focusing on that transformed identity, but it is important to make sure you're including it along with the other four pillars.

When using these pillars to create content it's important that you have balance. This means you do not want your content to heavily focus on one pillar alone. You could decide that you want to create a post that addresses all four pillars at once or you could create a post per pillar. Try to find what aligns with you.

Use this content strategy to weave it all into your content, into your YouTube videos, into your podcasts, into your blogs, into your social media posts, into your lives, into your reels, into your clubhouse, and wherever else you create content.

So considering this I want you to go through your recent content. And determine what content you have currently that's working and landing well?

Then consider how can you begin to hone in on that and do more of it and be intentional about posting that content?
Next consider what content do you need to add in that will really address those four pillars. This will help you to meet your audience at different places along their journey. Lastly, I want you to determine what can you commit to today and how can you begin this process?

So let's say, for example, that you have you haven't done anything around the trusted identity and you really want to be intentional about relating to your audience. Consider how you can begin to be intentional about creating that know, like and trust factor for your audience.

You can read all about content creation all day, but where the magic happens is in the action. I have personally used these four pillars to really expand my content and relatability. In turn it has allowed meto magnetize amazing soulmate clients.

In addition, it has also has allowed me to learn ways that I can make shifts and changes to make sure that I am constantly in a place to attract the right people to me, and most importantly, to have a massive impact. So that's what I'm going to leave. Leave you with today. Take some time to really contemplate. And most importantly, take some time to take action.

It will blow your mind.


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