Successful Goal Setting With NLP

With each new year, goal-setting is typically on the radar for many. While initial motivation for change may be high, statistics show the majority of New Year’s resolutions are broken by mid January. I’ve found SMART goal-setting has been extremely helpful for accomplishing my goals over the last few years , but using the NLP model has taken it to an entirely new level. Since I am sure you are already familiar with traditional SMART goals let's talk about it using NLP With NLP You're setting goals that....

S- You SEE YOURSELF accomplishing. You can take it a step further and bring in all of your senses (since your subconscious doesn't know the difference between your imagination and what's real) it will be drawn to manifesting it.

M- Setting goals that are MEANINGFUL to you. You are not going to maintain motivation if the goal isn't aligned with what you deeply desire.

A- ALL AREAS- you want to set the ones that create domino effect meaning they don't only impact the one area in your life, but many other areas as well.

R-RESPONSIBLE aka ecological. When thinking of your goals you want to ensure it's safe for you and all involved. Remember your vision is so much bigger than you.

T- TOWARDS MOTIVATED. Whatever the subconscious mind holds is what it's drawn towards therefore it's imperative that when you set your goals you're focused on what you DO want, not what you don't want. I challenge you to use the NLP framework to manifest your vision for 2022. This year is yours!

I challenge you to use the NLP framework to manifest your vision for 2022. This year is yours! If you're looking for more support to create a compelling future that you can't help but to be magnetized to use the first button in my bio. There is still time to join us inside of The ELEVATE Method Certification Program and get $1000 off! Join us here:


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