A Christian’s Guide To Manifestation

Manifestation And Christianity

After a major life overhaul and trying to find myself I spent the last decade deeply studying personal development. I read books, took courses, hired coaches- all the things. And what I came to quickly learn is you can't be in the personal development space for any amount of time without coming across the law of attraction. To be honest I was very resistant to manifestation in the beginning because it felt too out there and too woo woo for me.

But the more I resisted it the more it came up and so i decided to go down my very own rabbit hole to see what the hype was all about.

With that exploration I started to get more and more questions about it and I knew immediately I wanted to share with the hopes to create a safe space for fellow believers who are curious.

In a society that worships success and achievement, it's easy to wonder why God doesn't give us what we want. If we pray enough, fast enough, and put in the hard work of being good Christians, shouldn't God reward us with the things we desire? What more do we need to do to make God hear us? The answer is nothing. It's not about what you do—it's about how you think. Your inner thoughts can manifest themselves in your life if you have faith that those thoughts will become reality. With this mindset, many believers are turning towards manifestation as a way of changing their lives .

What Is Manifestation?

The law of attraction is the belief that you attract every, relationship, thing, circumstance, or experience, whether good or bad, in your life because you’ve given your thoughts and attention to it. Manifestation is simply the process of making your desires and dreams come true, or at least becoming aware of them. It's a way to visualize what you want in life, then let go of any negative thoughts that might get in the way. A simple way to put it is, “like attracts like”. If you think a negative thought it will attract negative energy or things and if you think positive thoughts, you’ll attract positive energy or things into your life.

The law of attraction (or LOA) refers to this universal principle that whatever we put our attention on tends to grow in our lives. When we focus on something good, it grows; when we focus on something bad, it grows as well! You've probably heard about this concept before—just think about how many times you've said "it's all good" or "I'm so lucky!" when something good happens instead of focusing on all the things that are not working out well for us right now. The law works both ways: if we're thinking positive thoughts (that means no complaining), then those positive thoughts will most likely manifest into reality over time by attracting more positive things into our lives!

Can Christians Manifest?

Today’s version of the law of attraction has evolved a ton since the 19th century. For example teachings of Jesus and the mention of the Bible have been removed and the basis for the law of attraction now claims to be rooted in “laws of science”. In addition, some practices will also try to give the impression that you are God. For example here is a link from the book The Secret "You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of you on this planet.”. This is where I believe that things can get misconstrued and its often where we have to be cautious.

People often ask us whether Christians can manifest. And the answer is yes! Christians believe that God is all-powerful and capable of anything, so it follows that He can do whatever he wants to do. But does that mean that you’re powerless as a Christian? Absolutely not! You have the same power over your life as any other person—and by extension, you can use manifestation to achieve your goals and help others achieve theirs. In fact, because we were made in His image I firmly believe he gave us the ability to pray but to also pair that with positive beliefs and actions. It is believed that you can use the power of your mind to translate your thoughts and materialize them into reality. This is often referred to as manifesting.

For example when you wake up in the morning if you say today is going to be a bad day you are subconsciously look for proof that the day is indeed bad- this is manifestation. Verses if you wake up and you affirm that today will be a good day you are essentially speaking that into existence and in turn you will attract more "good" into your day.

How to manifest as a Christian

As a Christian, you can manifest. Because manifestation is the process of bringing something into reality by focusing your energy on it you as a Christian have the power to do that. Honestly you're already doing it every single day. you're just not aware of it. For example, if you want to manifest your dream job and think about that dream job as much as possible, then eventually you will attract it into your life.

In order to properly manifest using this method of thought and meditation (which we call “manifesting”), we must first understand what our thoughts are made up of. Our thoughts are made up of energy; therefore they have the ability to influence things around us physically and emotionally. This means that if we focus on negative or fearful thoughts long enough they will become real because they have physical power over us based on how much time we spend thinking about them!

We need positive emotions in order for good things happen in our lives so if bad feelings are present then they will cancel out any potential positive results from being happy while meditating or praying before bed at night because there won't be anything left over once those bad vibes kick in again during regular waking hours when most people forget all about their spirituality until tomorrow morning when another day begins without having done anything worthwhile during their downtime except maybe watching some mindless tv shows which just makes matters worse by allowing them not only more hours where nothing happens but also gives them even more time for negative brain chatter since now there isn't anything else going on either so now instead of just worrying about how everything sucks because nothing changed overnight.

If you’re looking for a step by step check out this article: www.nicolyawilliams.com/blog/2020/10/how-to-manifest-your-goals

The Best Christian Bible Verses That Reference Manifestation

Ephesians 3:20-
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Matthew 21:22 - And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Isaiah 55:11 - So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
2 Corinthians 4:13 - We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;

Genesis 1:1-31 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Hebrews 11:1-10 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Mark 11:23 - For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

In addition to meditating on these Bible verses we as believers often pray using different affirmations (sometimes unknowingly). Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat over and over. Most affirmations are based on the idea that thoughts have power, and that by repeating a certain thought or phrase to yourself, you can manifest what you want into your life. Affirmations are often used in prayer—prayer is essentially communication with God; affirmations are just another form of communication with God.

A Wonderful Book On Manifestation For Christians

  • Manifesting Miracle Man by Charles Fillmore (1907)

This book defines the difference between miracles and manifestations. The author believes that miracles are initiated by God, while manifestations come from the human will. Fillmore also explains how to use faith in order to manifest your desires. This book is designed for Christians who want to learn about manifestation through scripture and personal experience.


All in all, anyone can practice manifestation, regardless of their religious affiliation. It happens every single day. Unfortunately, because we have minimal understanding of this concept we are often manifesting the very things we DON'T want. now that you have more awareness about how the law of attraction and manifestation works the best thing you can do is to start experimenting with it and experience it first hand for yourself!


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