EFT and Christianity

Christians and EFT

EFT has been gaining a lot of attention lately. While some Christians are not familiar with this astonishingly effective self-help tool, there are many Christians who have seen the positive results of EFT. While they see the results they don’t understand what it is, why it works and whether or not it’s okay for a Christian to use.

I understand this because it can be hard to understand how it fits in with their faith. After all, if a Christian decides to use EFT on themselves or someone else, is that equivalent to consulting with a “spirit guide?” Some believers would say yes. But does that mean tapping is dangerous for Christians? Let’s find out.

Christians and EFT

EFT is not a religion or cult. It's a new age therapy. There are no doctrines to memorize, no required prayers or sacrifices, and no baptisms.

EFT does have some spiritual elements though: it uses positive affirmations, visualizations (thought forms), and tapping on meridians in the body to influence energy flow in order to facilitate healing. You don't need any particular beliefs about these things; they're just tools that work!

With EFT you are essentially using a powerful technique that helps you to restore your mind which is totally aligned with biblical practices. Let’s talk about parts of the Bible it aligns with.

1.Put off the old man (any view you have of yourself that is not based on your new identity in Christ),

2. Renew your mind (align your intellectual, conscious thoughts with the Word of God),

3. Then put on the new man (experientially step into your new identity in Christ with all its benefits and promises)

We know that the renewing of your mind can be done by reading, praying or pondering the Word, but we definitely know, based on the parable of The Sower and many other Scriptures, that the put on must happen at a deeper-than-conscious level. This is where tools like EFT come into play.

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is also commonly referred to as “tapping,” and was introduced by Gary Craig in the 1990s. It is a form of self-help therapy, similar to acupuncture and energy psychology. EFT is also known as tapping or acupressure, and meridian tapping.

EFT tapping (emotional freedom techniques) is a five-step technique that targets acupressure points to reduce pain and intensity of various emotions including anxiety, phobias, depression, fear, trauma, and pain disorders etc

The basic technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion you're experiencing such as anxiety, or anger or an unresolved problem.  While maintaining your mental focus on this presenting issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times each on 9 of the body’s meridian points and say what is coming up for you. Tapping on these meridian points – while concentrating on accepting and resolving the negative emotion – will access your body’s energy, restoring it to a balanced state.

While tapping you are sending signals directly to the stress centers of the mid-brain, not mediated by the frontal lobes (the thinking part, which is used in traditional talk therapy). Which is why the impact is so powerful and the results are so rapid.

EFT tapping  helps you learn how your body processes energy and where in your body energy may be trapped and gives you an amazing tool which helps to stimulate the flow of energy and to create a shift in energy.

Tapping is simple and painless. It can be learned by anyone. It can be used anytime and anywhere. The best part is it gives you the power to take control over the experiences you have, the way in which you respond to them and the way in which you heal yourself.

It’s estimated that 10 million people worldwide have used tapping and I am not surprised because this tool is something I use personally and in the work I do and it's been extremely life changing.

EFT allows you to powerfully manage your energy, and create a higher vibration in your life, using the power of energy tapping. The best part is this tool and modality creates quick shifts! I tap every single day and it’s been life changing!

EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots to help restore balance to your body's energy. Scientific research shows that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.

Benefits of EFT

  • learn how to remove negative energy

  • Enhance your emotional health

  • Restore balance to your disrupted energy.

  • Learn how to create a higher vibration to attract the things you want into your life

  • Learn to use it as a tool that you can access when you’re feeling activated

Where to tap

Tapping involves using one’s fingertips to tap several times on each of the twelve main meridian points of the body. The meridians in your body are also aligned with different organs. Here is a graphic that shows where you can tap:

  • The set-up point, while not show easily in this graphic, is the fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger, just below the knuckle that sticks out when you clench your fist. You can do this with either hand or both hands at a time. You use this point to set up the tapping session with the emotion or feeling the client is presenting with (i.e. I feel so much anxiety. I am feeling a lot of anxiety…..)

Does EFT work?

This is a question I get quite often. As a result of the scientific studies that have been performed, we can be certain that EFT works. It is more effective than other forms of therapy and self-help for a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to these benefits, EFT has also been shown to have positive effects on physical health issues such as pain and digestive problems.

Studies have shown that the efficacy of EFT is not limited to one type of problem or patient population. For example, one study found that when used alongside conventional medical treatment for asthma control in children with severe asthma, both groups experienced equal improvements in quality of life measures at 1-month follow-up; however only group 1 showed significant reductions in scores for reported feelings related to stigma about having asthma during visits with their peers after 3 months' follow up.

Why does EFT work?

There is a growing body of evidence that shows EFT works. If you want more details on this, then check out the following link: www.nicolyawilliams.com/blog/what-is-emotional-freedom-techniques-eft-tapping

EFT is a way to help you connect with your inner self. EFT can also help you to connect with your subconscious mind and even higher self.

None of the tools I use replace the Word of God; instead, they help us to use our body in the way that it is designed to help us connect with God on a deeper level.

There are many positive aspects of EFT as well.

As someone who is both a Christian and an EFT practitioner, I want to offer some takeaways….

  • EFT is not magic

  • EFT does not take away from prayer (or the importance of prayer)

  • EFT can be used alongside prayer

  • You can use the process of tapping in your own way and still get results

I once read a blog that uniquely explained EFT, but in a way that it stuck with me. It went something like this…EFT is a tool we use to trap and remove negative emotions that are keeping us stuck or stagnant. Many times instead of finding the root cause of distress, negative emotions, or heaviness, we bury it deeper into our subconscious mind.

But would we do this for anything else of course not. Take for example, let’s say you found a mouse in your attic. Would you say, “well at least I can’t see it all day, so maybe I will pretend it’s not there?” Or would you pretend it does not bother you? Of course not. You would likely get a trap or call an exterminator and get it out of your house asap.

So why do we do this with our feelings? We often try to distract ourselves from our feelings. We stuff them with drugs, alcohol, sex and even busy-ness. When truly deep down we know we are feeling fearful, anxious, or worried.

Most people wouldn’t settle for sharing their residence with a rodent so don’t settle for sharing your precious mind with beliefs that do not serve you.


EFT is a tool that can help people to access their feelings in a way that is easy and non-threatening. It is a tool, like any other, in that we should learn about it and determine if it feels in alignment with what we are seeking and our beliefs.

For me personally when I wake up in the morning it is apart of my routine. I start the morning with prayer, listing my gratitude and then I tap. Combined this helps to set the tone for my day. If you’re looking for more opportunities to practice EFT check out my YouTube EFT Playlist here: youtube.com/drnicolyawilliams

Using it personally and I use in the work I do as a coach has been so transformational.

If you’re interested in doing the same, I have just the thing for you. Inside of The ELEVATE Method, my un-paralleled coaching certification program, you will become certified in EFT along with 6 other life changing modalities. With this you can teach your clients how to manage their energy, and remove negative emotions and blocks in a way that is accessible for them at all times.

It's one of the most impactful modalities when working with my clients as it supports them at having shifts that happen faster, go deeper and last longer. Have you completed your application yet?

If not check it out here: www.nicolyawilliams.com/elevate

This certification is truly so transformational because you are given proven coaching tools that will not only help you to ELEVATE your business, but your personal life as well.


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