Dr Nicolya Williams

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A complete guide to emotional freedom techniques.

I am so excited to dive in and talk all about emotional freedom techniques, also known as EFT or tapping, because it's an amazing and powerful modality that allows you to take control of your results. It allows you to get in such an aligned and such an at peace state.

What is EFT?

This is a question that I get so often. Eft is an amazing energy protection modality. It's a technique for anxiety release. It's a tool that helps you to release stress, and it's a tool you can use to create a rapid shift in the way that you feel. It's actually loosely based on acupuncture, but instead of having to use different needles etc. EFT leverages that with just the power of your fingertips, which makes it that much more profound. Emotional freedom techniques is an incredible technique to help you feel good at any moment.

So with EFT, it is so special because it's an alternative to traditional treatment for healing pain and emotional distress. This modality is a combination between acupuncture and thought field therapy. Gary Craig was the founder and he came up with EFT because he had this crazy idea that we could release negative emotions based on understanding our body's energetic points and our body's  energy system. Eft focuses on different Meridian points inside of your body, also known as hotspots, that allow you to restore the balance to your body's energy.

Essentially, our body, if it has a disruption in the flow of energy, it is going to manifest as stress, anxiety, dis-ease, also known as disease or sickness. And tapping with your fingertips on your Meridian points is believed to release the blockage and allow you to get back into a more aligned state. There's a ton of scientific research around the power of EFT and the results that it actually provides.

When should I be using EFT?

The best part is there are many different times you can leverage EFT. You can use EFT if you're running into anxiety, anger, sadness, stress, guilt. You can use EFT to release limiting beliefs. You can use EFT if you want to sleep better, if you're feeling dis-ease in your body, like physical sickness, or if you notice yourself procrastinating and wanting to move into more of a motivated state, you can use it to balance your energy and to feel like just more at peace. You can use it if you're moving into a new opportunity and you're feeling that fear come up, and you can use it as part of your routine to help ground yourself. That's something that I do every day, and it is a non negotiable.

How does EFT Work?

Once I was able to see the power of EFT it intrigued me to want to know more. So how EFT works is if you think of an old school TV set, if you would mess with the antennas just a tad, just a little bit, what would happen was it would actually cause the picture on the screen to be disrupted. That's the same thing with our body.



When we have a disruption in our body's energy system, we need to basically adjust the antenna to be able to get back into an aligned state. This is what EFT helps with. So again, energy, stress, anxiety, and limiting beliefs are some of those biggest strategies that we're trying to fix those antenna around to be able to create a clear picture A.K.A, a more energetic aligned state.

What are the benefits of EFT?

The benefits of EFT is that it's easily accessible, meaning it can be done anywhere, anytime. Literally all you need is your fingers and to be able to tune into that emotion, into that state, into that feeling, it creates an instant shift in your energy and your mood.


Literally just a few rounds, you'll notice your energy, your mood and your emotions changing. It's not time consuming. So you don't have to schedule an appointment and go somewhere. You don't have to carve out 2 hours a day to do it. You can do it in as little as five to ten minutes a day.


It can be used with specific emotions and intent towards challenges that are coming up for you and to replace that with the things that you want to call into your life. And the most impactful piece of EFT is that it allows you to take the healing back into your own hands. You don't have to wait for someone to support you with creating that healing that you desire. Lastly after doing some research I came to see that results from a single tapping session resulted in treatment gains that were maintained 6-9 months post treatment on average. This highlights how impactful this technique truly is.

So when do I know it's time to tap?

Great question. I would challenge you to ask yourself, is there a statement, a feeling, a situation or something coming up that is creating an emotional charge for you?


If so, maybe you're feeling stressed, angry, sad or hurt about it. Maybe it's something you read. Maybe it's something that you saw. Maybe it's something that you're feeling. If so, that's a good statement for you to tap on because it's showing you where you're out of alignment and where you can bring yourself back into an aligned, energetic state.


It shows you where there needs to be some change work taking place to create that healing that you desire and deserve. So what I'm going to show you is two graphics that explain EFT and the Meridian points.

How to Tap?

To begin your tapping session you start with the side of your hand. This is called your set up point.


Then we go to the top of your head, top of your eyebrow, side of your eyebrow, under your eyes, under your nose, your chin, your collarbone. And then  essentially underneath your bra strap. And the really cool thing about these Meridian points is they're all associated with different organs, important and vital organs inside of our body. So, for example, the top of your head is related to the governing vessel and then the top of your eyebrow is related to the bladder Meridian. The side of your eye is all about the gallbladder Meridian.


Your bra strap is all about the spleen Meridian. Your collarbone is about the kidney Meridian. So again, this is why you can see that EFT is so profound and so powerful as it relates to creating and allowing for healing inside of these different organs, as well as how it allows you to move past dis ease in your body, which eventually will manifest into disease.


Here are the most important component to an impactful coaching session

  1. IDENTIFY what you are feeling, your thoughts, and your concerns. As you notice this notice how your body is feeling in response to it. Rate yourself 1-10 with 10 being the worst

  2. TAP on feeling or thoughts using the meridian points and continue BREATHE. Do this until you notice your energy shifting. This can take between 2-5 rounds on average

  3. Check in- remember rating yourself ? Now check in with that old emotion and feeling and rate yourself again you should notice it going down in intensity

  4. CREATE NEW POSSIBILITIES for yourself. The intense feelings will begin to subside, and you can start to create a new possibility by shifting you thoughts to what you want to feel and tapping on that . This part of the process on average if 2-5 rounds

  5. Check in- Now check in with that old emotion and feeling and rate yourself one more time . You should be feeling super high vibe

​If you're looking for tapping videos on various subjects come and check out my YouTube Channel. Here I have a playlist with over 70 videos on EFT.

What if it feels “weird”?

It is totally normal to burp, yawn and even cry during your tapping sessions. This is just confirmation that the energy you’re storing is moving it’s way through your body. With that said, it’s okay, as well, if you don’t feel any huge changes right away, or just feel calm. That is perfectly fine.

What if it doesn’t work?

It’s important to remember that with anything new consistency is key. If you feel as though it does not work the first time you use it, keep going. Profound shifts take place with deep commitment and consistency. So remember tapping is a tool that you want to use over time.

Who should use EFT Tapping?

Honestly everyone could benefit from this amazing tool. You should definitely use it if you are a Life Coach, an NLP coach, a Business Coach a Mindset Coach, or you want to help people get to the next level they desire and deserve.

The neat thing about  EFT tapping, is that you can use it personally or in the work you do as a coach. So et's talk about how you can even weave it into your coaching practice.

How to leverage EFT as a coach….

You can start your coaching sessions with a few rounds of EFT. This is a great way to ground your clients and get them into an aligned energetic state. You can even end your coaching session with an EFT tapping session to help them lock in their intentions. You can use EFT and pre record it and send that video to your client to have them listen to in between sessions. You can sell it alone as bundle product (for example I have a 3 days tapping into abundance bundle I sell) and then you can add it as a bonus to any of your offers.

If you want to see if EFT is your coaching superpower check out the complimentary quiz HERE


All in all EFT is such a powerful tool that I wish more people knew about. Eft not only supports you at making changes within your life, but if you weave it into the work that you do as a coach, It gives your clients an actionable tool and strategy that they can use anytime, anywhere to shift their mood, to balance their energy, and to get in alignment.

So if you're looking for the tools and strategies to be able to create change that happens faster, goes deeper and lasts longer EFT is a tool you will definitely want to leverage.


Inside of my ELEVATE Method Coaching Certification Program  you'd be certified with EFT as well as six other modalities (hypnotherapy, human design, life and success coaching, neuro linguistic programming, my proprietary ELEVATE process and T.I.M.E techniques) and combined these seven modalities will help you to not only elevate your life, your mind, and your success, but in turn help you to facilitate more profound transformations with your clients.


So if you are ready to step into that next level. Join us inside of The Elevate Method HERE.