The Power Of The Compound Effect

You're scrolling and you come across the coach who just make 10k in her sleep, you scroll some more and see the coach who had a 23k launch while at the beach and another one that made multiple 6 figures this year while spending 90% of her time traveling!

*insert gut punch*
*insert "how did she do that" *

You've seen it and I have too!

When I see posts like these I get excited for their amazing win, but I cringe because with that kind of "marketing" I don't believe that they are giving you the full picture!

What most coaches won’t tell you is that their massive launch,PIF client, or 6 figure launch at the beach wasn’t an overnight success. That success actually happened as a result of the compound effect!

If you're not familiar with this concept lemme explain.....

The compound effect is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. Small choices + consistency + time = significant results.

I will give you an example of how this played out for me recently.

I had one of my highest launches while in bed with covid

I was able to rest more than I have in ages

I was able to spend quality time with my daughter (who also had it )

I even watched some recommended tv series (thanks to all of you who shared them haha)

And no one noticed I was “gone”

Because I still posted, emailed, podcasted, released blogs and even YouTube videos

But you wanna know a secret - I wasn't doing anything!

All of this stuff was all done ahead of time so when covid hit I got to cuddle, rest & heal WITHOUT worry!

This is because for the last few weeks, months and years. I have been committed to daily steps with the BIG picture in mind!
Because of these steps I made more in one week than I used to make in a month while in recovery!

I never thought this was available to me as a single mom, woman of color, with a “small” following but for some crazy reason I kept saying “yes” to my vision day after day.

Even when it made no sense!

Even when I didn't know the "how"!

And here's what I learned along the way....

Yesterday’s self talk is determining how you’re feeling today

Yesterday’s commitment is determining your results today

Great things are accomplished by a series of small things combined together

But the opposite is also very true as well…..

Meaning every time you play small, say no, operate from fear, stay in your comfort zone etc. these are the seemingly small decisions, but the same ones that keep you stuck, stagnant and resentful.

Since we all use the compound effect, but not always in our favor I felt like it was so important to come over and share the compound effect process with you. So today I want to share some strategies that you can use that will play a role in jumpstarting your income, your life, and your success, using the compound effect.

1. The first thing you got to know to effectively utilize the compound effect to work in your favor is that good habits are the key to success, meaning a habit is an activity that you perform, that it becomes natural to you. We have habits, but a lot of our habits don't serve us. So, for example, one of your habits might be that you take medicine right after you brush your teeth that is a good habit to get into so you don’t forget your medicine. While on the flip side you may walk in every day from work and lay on the couch and watch tv instead of diving into your business work.

We have habits that impact our success. But good habits are the key to success. So if you want to feed this compound effect to work in your favor, you got to identify what habits are working in your favor and how you can effectively leverage them and then also reflect on the ones that aren't working and remove them.

2. The next thing is, you've got to be patient. I will say this again- you've got to be patient. I was talking to a new client of mine, and she just started her business seven months ago, and she's like, I've been doing this for seven months. “I'm exhausted, nothing I am doing is working”.
Sometimes it's not going to come within seven months. For me, this success that I have created is a result of work I did upwards of four years ago. When I first started my business, I wanted to start an encouraging and motivational blog. So I just wrote, I didn't know what I was doing. And then eventually I got to a point where I'm like, I don't really want to monetize a blog. I decided to start writing my book and guess what? I had a ton of content to pull from and leverage because of the work I had been doing the year prior. Ultimately remember even though small, seemingly insignificant decisions actually compound over time and they make it all worth it.

3. Finally the last strategy to leverage the compound effect is to remain grateful. Gratitude is one of the highest energetic, and best energetic states you can be at. Showing gratitude and appreciation, allows you to feel positive about your experiences about your circumstances, around you and in your life. The more you're in a state of gratitude and overall appreciation the more you get to create room to attract more things into your life that allow you to feel that way that allow you to call in more things like that. When I first started my business I was grateful if there was only one person on my live, or one person that shared a post or for one kind encouraging word. That gratitude carried me through some of my most difficult days.

All and all the compound effect is a powerful gem and something I hold tight to regularly. It's not always going to be easy. It's not always going to be seamless. It's not even always going to be fun. It may require years of discipline. It may require pushing you out of your comfort zone. It's definitely going to require you to be consistent. But in the long run, it is going to be so worth it.

If you’re tired of....

-wondering how it can be "easy" for everyone else

-wondering if this is all life has to offer

-not being brave enough to move towards your dream

I am here to share you don’t have to stay here any longer!

If you’re ready to leverage the compound effect and go after your vision I have good news for you.

You can create the future life NOW that you desire and deserve and I can show you how inside of The ELEVATE Method!

The SEVEN amazing modalities we teach inside of this program will not only change you profoundly & on a deep level, but they will change the way you show up as the coach you’re called to be! You will learn how to master and reprogram your mind to align with the success you desire and deserve.

This program is truly unparalleled and so transformational- you literally CANNOT come out this program the same!

It's your chance to embody the next level version of you !

So choose you and choose NOW!

Join us HERE: The ELEVATE Method!


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