How to Get New Clients WITHOUT Sales Calls

What’s the point of leaving a 9-5 if you have to spend 40 hours a week glued to your phone trying to get new clients? What if I told you that you could sign soul mate clients without having to jump on 100 sales calls a day? The good news is this is possible!


A question that I often get from new coaches or even established coaches is how do you close sales and call in new clients without having discovery calls? Maybe for you, you have an extremely busy schedule, or maybe you're still in your 9-5 and you're trying to bring and your business together. Or maybe for you, the idea of getting on a sales call feels so exhausting or overwhelming or anxiety provoking. But don't worry, I got you boo. Today we're going to talk about a couple of different strategies that you can begin to utilize to be able to magnetize your soulmate clients to you without having to jump on the sales calls.


Now, when I first started my business, sales calls were a major component of what I did. And honestly, I learned a lot from that experience. I learned what people wanted, I learned what people didn't want, I learned my strengths, I learned my weaknesses. But now, sales calls are not something that I prioritize nearly as much because I have found new and creative ways to call in the right clients without always having to jump on a call. So the first strategy that I would recommend is DM Conversations aka messaging!


You can use this on any social media site or even technically in an email, but essentially, if a client is wanting more details about your offer or your program, you could go back and forth with a few messages to really explain the details. I also love using social media specifically for this because I love voice memos. I feel like voice memos are so personal and they're a great way for people to really connect with you and to see what it is that you have to offer but still get in your energetic space because they can hear it in your tone. With DMs being all the rave, I actually dive in depth in this inside of my certification program so that I teach my coaches how to close in the DMs. I think this is so powerful.


The second strategy could be a comprehensive email funnel. So let's say, for example, you bring people in through a freebie. Maybe it's a master class, maybe it's an eBook, maybe it's a quiz. Whatever the freebie may be, you bring people in and then after they receive the free offer, you begin to promote the up sale into your course, into your one on one, into your group coaching program etc. You then are promoting this through a series of emails, you're essentially nurturing them at the same time, letting them see the value of what takes place when they say yes to that next step.


I love this because this is a passive way to be able to call in more clients. As far as using an email  funnel to nurture and sell to your clients just a heads up. If you use something like a live component such as a challenge or a webinar or a workshop or master class. There is often a higher perceived value when people get to be in your energetic space, so that's something to consider. I like to often test to see what my audience is most interested in at the time.

So I may offer an eBook, or I may offer a webinar, I may offer a challenge, or I may offer a quiz. But this helps me to see where my audience is at and to meet them there. This also helps so well for that passive income because all I do is show up once and then that income can just be on repeat.

A third strategy that you can begin to use is start to really zero in on the clients that you already work with, people who love the work that you're doing and really just enjoy being in your energetic space when you're offering an up sale. Most of those people won't need another call to know that it's amazing to continue to work with you.

You can also leverage your already existing clients and offer referral or incentives if they decide to refer somebody else.  Trust me when I say word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertisement that exists. So let's say, for example, someone went through your group coaching program. They may get an incentive if they refer one of their friends or associates to your group coaching program of $200 or $500 or a free call with you etc. And then if they already really like the program, plus there's an added reward, why wouldn't they brag about all the goodness that exists?


This is a great strategy to bring in new clients without actually having to jump on a call because your impact and work is selling itself. The next strategy you could utilize is applications. So this works really well for high ticket offers. If you have a high-ticket group coaching program or a high ticket mastermind or a high ticket one on one, instead of offering sales calls, you could offer an application process. And upon going through a thorough application that helps you to really filter out who's the right fit and who's not.


You could then follow up with the application with the payment link. Or you could follow up afte they submit the application with an open Q and A session for all who are interested. You can follow up with the application with the DM or email conversation. But again, an application is a good way to filter who is a dream client as well as those who are on the fence about working with you.


Finally, the last strategy would be expanding your reach. This strategy can look a lot of different ways. So this could be you using ads to funnel people into your offer. This could be you writing a book and after people read it they can funnel into the next step of working with you. This could be that you leverage a speaking engagement to funnel people into your offer. This could be that if you're featured on a podcast or a blog, you use that as an opportunity to not only expand your reach, but also to be able to call in those next amazing solid clients. The fun part about this idea is you get to become creative.


All in all, I feel like a lot of times we over complicate the process of showing up fully in our business and we often try to model what other coaches are doing or other high performers and we assume that if it worked for them, it has to work for us.


I'm going to go against the grain and say that the way you create your business should be a way that aligns and matches both your energy as well as your lifestyle. We are building sustainable businesses not exhausting businesses. It’s important to note that there is no one size fits all strategy for success in business. Just because something worked for someone else doesn't necessarily mean that it has to work for you. So, what I challenge you to do is I challenge you to consider what strategy feels aligned for you and how can you begin to incorporate that?


If you're looking for more tools, strategies and support on the journey to building the business that you both desire and deserve, I have just the thing for you inside of my elevated coach three-day challenge. I walk you through the process is to not only elevate your mind but your life and your success so that you can build a business that allows you to not only increase your impact but your income as well. Join us HERE:


Can’t wait to see you on the inside!



How to embrace your authentic self
