Dr Nicolya Williams

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1 content idea turned to 7 pieces of content. Let me show you how….

Are you allowed to relax when it comes to showing up online?

I mean really relax?

Or do you find yourself glued to your phone and computer not wanting to miss a thing

There was a point in my business were I was terrified to take a break or to pull away just for a few hours let alone a few days

Understanding that it’s not only okay to rest it’s necessary has changed my life.

Now if you’re like most people you’re likely wondering how does my business continue to run even when I am relaxing.

This is where repurposing comes into play…..

When you create amazing content you can repurpose it and use it without having to reinvent the wheel every single time you show up online.

Take this week for example I started feeling pretty bad on Sunday! I knew my body was calling me to take care of me !

And even tho I took some time to lay in bed I had content to repurpose to use on social media , my blog and my YouTube etc. And because of that I didn’t skip a beat.

This means I got to lay in bed and fully tune into what my body needed while still having things ready to go online.

As a coach, you definitely have a lot of work to do (and not enough time to get it done).

I have always been a big proponent for working smarter not harder and so on my journey I quickly learned about content repurposing and eventually made my own approach to it.

Content repurposing may seem like a way to cheat the system, but it’s not. You’re reworking your existing, high-quality content and presenting it in a different form on new channels

For some repurposing may feel like a cop-out if because you don’t want your audience to feel like your content is repetitive!

Let’s challenge that thought!

You’re not being repetitive, you’re taking content and giving it a new life.

Have you ever heard of the rule of 7?

The rule of seven is one of the oldest concepts in marketing. Although it is old, it doesn't mean that it is outdated.

The rule of seven simply states that the prospective buyer should hear or see your marketing message (whether about your offer, course, book etc) at least seven times before they buy it from you.

And then when you add in the crazy algorithm and the fact that they may not see everything you post it’s more reason to share!!

This rule basically highlights the value of consistency and this also shows how powerful repurposing can be!

When repurposing old content, or creating new content with repurposing in mind, you’re saving yourself time and engaging your audience in a new and creative way.

Here is a behind the scenes of my unique repurposing process.

I share this because I want you to see how you can take one topic and turn it into 7+ pierces of content

It’s important to note that repurposing your existing content isn’t meant to replace creating new content, but rather a strategy to supplement your creation process.

All in all creating content doesn’t have to be complex in fact using this strategy it can change the game for you.

Sustainability is my jam so because I love it so much and because I have already gotten such great feedback on my story and my reel I decided to discount one of my best selling workshops: Repurpose and Relax.

With this workshop you will learn how to

  • Create content that converts. And better understand how to take content you already

    have and re-purpose it

  •  Leverage some amazing tools to create a fool-proof formula for repurposing strategy that you can recycle time and time and time again. 

  • Use your content for visibility and industry positioning

  • Take your time back and fall in love with your business yet again.

So snag this no brainer deal here: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/repurpose-and-relax