Sales Made Seamless

If you're anything like me, the idea of selling can feel a little bit scammy or sleazy. Have you ever seen the movie Matilda where her dad was selling all his cars and he rolled back miles and he would then brag about how much money he made? That was what was embedded in my mind about sales. So needless to say that I came into this online space as a coach, it became difficult to sell because I didn't want to do it. I didn't want people to think that I was scamming them.

I didn't want to be that super salesy person.

I just wanted people to come to me easily. I didn't want to put my things out there first, but in turn it made it difficult for me to make consistent sales that way.

I had to learn to reframe this as I realized I wasn't making the progress I desired in business. The truth is, we sell all the time. Just last week, I got this amazing, pre-baked Mac and cheese and pre-made salmon from Costco. It was so good that I called my mom and I was raving about it. She was intrigued and within a couple of days, she had bought it herself and was talking about how yummy it was. I then told a neighbor about it too. Before you know it we were all talking and raving about it. This is a perfect example of selling. I sold this mac and cheese and salmon to my mom and neighbor. I just wasn't the one who benefited from the money of the sale- but we all to some extent benefitted, in this case, from the taste of the sale.

For some reason, we often associate selling with something bad. And the truth is when you're offering an amazing product or offer it is a gift to get it out there. How does it serve anyone if you made this super dope course and you keep it in a vacuum? Or how does it serve anyone if you can help them heal, but you tell no one about it? I want to challenge that myth and give you a different perspective because we're selling all the time, and selling is NOT bad.

Today I want to talk a little bit about some things that you can use as you're selling to help the process be seamless and dare I even say a little bit fun.

Tip One:

So the first thing whether you're doing a discovery call, whether you're doing a social media post, whether you are creating a sales page is to start off with a bang.

Start off with something that's shocking, start off with something that's attention-getting because it really reel people in. I love to start off with statistics or something that will blow people's minds.

So on my book writing boot camp page, I talk about how 81% of people want to write a book, but less than 1% of people actually do. On my Passion to Profit Course Academy page, I talk about how the average course creator makes over 10k a month passively. I'm sharing these things because it's automatically getting people's attention, which is super exciting because you want to reel them in and you want to grab their attention and you want to get it quick. Research says that you can hold people's attention past like 3 seconds. You can usually hold it for a lot longer. So we got to grab their attention right within that first few seconds.

Tip Two

The second strategy is to avoid speaking ill of a competitor. Now you can talk about competitive advantages. So for example, in my elevate method, it's okay to highlight that there are seven certifications in one program highlighting the fact that most programs, most certification programs only have one certification included in them. I can say this without throwing other programs under the bus, figuratively speaking.

There is some research around a concept called spontaneous trait transfers. And this is where people will basically hear you talk about someone else, but instead, they'll project those traits onto you. Even though logically they know you're talking about someone else, they can't help but wonder if it's you.

So when you're talking about everyone else being "salesy" and "sleazy" and awful and no one being great in this coaching space, obviously, I know you wouldn't say it to that level. People are going to in turn interpret that as that's who you are the person that is actually all of those things.

Tip Three

The next strategy is to watch your energy. So I see it a lot in posts online, but it happens on sales pages. It happens on discovery calls. But a lot of times we show up in this online space and we do things because we said we're told we have to. So we have to post three times a day. So we're posting just to say that we did.

But we're not really in the energy of posting and trust and believe that people sense and feel your energy. So when you post just a post, those aren't going to be the posts that you get a lot of engagement. But when you post from just a place of compassion, when you post from a place of just authenticity, when you post from a place of a ton of passion, people sense that. They will in turn lean into what you're sharing. Along with that if you're on a zoom or even phone call watch your physiology and the way your energy carries on those calls.

Watch your nonverbal communication. Are you slouched over? Are you not giving eye contact? Are you multitasking? Do you look irritable? Do you sound irritable?

People pick up on energy, and energy sells or doesn't sell depending on what energy you're vibrating at. So making sure that you're in the right energy when you're coming into any situation from which you're going to sell.

Tip Four

The next strategy is to end on a high note. While you could be talking about struggles or setbacks it's still okay to highlight good things. Even when I was posting about healing after divorce and my Happily Divorced Course, I never ended with, oh my gosh, it's so sad. It's so depressing and so bitter.

I would end on positive and uplifting notes such as this doesn't have to be your situation anymore or can you imagine what is available for you on the other side of healing. I always ended on a higher note. When I'm creating sales pages, I always talk about what expansive opportunities are available for them and the reason this is powerful. I am sure to sprinkle this throughout, but also close out my sales pages with it.

There was some research done on people who have received colonoscopies. Obviously, people have heard whether you've received one, whether you have not, whether you know someone who has, or whether you don't. We've all heard that colonoscopies are not comfortable. They are not fun, they are not cool.

Researchers found that tons of people were complaining about how miserable they were and why some people actually try to avoid them so much. So they decided to dig deep and determine what they could do to change this relatively short process.

They decided that instead of making the entire five minutes miserable, if they just added one additional minute in the end with something positive that people were reporting, it was still not favorable, but nothing like they reported it before they implemented that. And so now a lot of doctors that do colonoscopies are really intentional about adding that sweet spot, so to speak. That upturn at the end makes it a little bit more favorable. While this is an extreme example it's the same idea.

When you're selling something end on a high note. If you're selling something online, give someone a compliment, show someone what's available for them, or empower them. Because when you end on a high note, you let them see what's available for them. And it helps you the entire process of selling feels easier for you, feels like something that you're excited about, but also helps to entice people because it doesn't feel so forceful. One of the things that I do when ending sales calls is I always say, "I know I gave you a ton of information, and for me, I want you to make an aligned decision because I recognize the energy you make a decision in is the energy that you carry throughout the entire decision, throughout the entire process. And so I want you to make an aligned decision. But I also want you to make an informed decision. I know that you can trust yourself enough. And I know that you'll make the right decision, if you have more questions feel free to reach out and I am happy to support you".

I just empower them to really know that they get to trust themselves with their decisions. And that has been so impactful and so powerful, powerful as far as my results with sales calls. So those are strategies to make the sales process seamless and less overwhelming. But along with that, I want to talk about a concept in this space called Fab. And Fab is an acronym used in sales and marketing.

And it stands for features, advantages and benefits. So let me break that down.

When you're talking about a program, an offer or a product you have, what you want to talk about is the Fab. More often than not I notice when people are sharing their offers they will focus on 1 or 2 of these components, but not all three. It's important to discuss and share all three because they each have important aspects.

When you have a product or an offer that you're selling and you're sharing with people talk about the features. So for example, inside of my Elevate method certification program, the amazing features are that you get modality practice calls twice a month. You get a Q&A call once a month. You get a co-working session once a month, and you get access to our online and accountability support group. These are examples of features.

Then you have advantages which are essentially competitive advantages. So this is where you can talk about and highlight what makes your program unique. So again, you don't want to just bash anybody else, but instead highlight the amazing advantages of your offer. one of the things that I talk about is my program focuses a lot on sustainability. I'm not a coach that's going to tell you there's a one size fits all model to success, but it's all about how do we build a sustainable business model. Some additional competitive advantages is that it's seven certifications in one single program. So you're taking one program but getting certified in seven modalities. In addition, I talk about the three-pillar system we build on in the program which is the coaching, the community, and the certification. My clients are not just given some random certification and going about their way to try to figure out how to use it. You actually have coaching around how to weave this into your business, how to build a business, and how to have the right foundation for your business plus in a supportive community.

Next is the benefits. This is what your potential clients get out of this offer/program etc. What do they get from saying yes to this next step? So, for example, with the Elevate method, it may just be that they get a toolbox full of tools so that when they work with their clients, they know how to support them at creating and facilitating change that lasts longer, goes deeper, and happens quickly. It may be that they feel more confident as a coach because they actually have tools to back up the things that they want to support their clients with. So when you think of your program, I want you to think about your FAB and each aspect of it. This will not only give you a great understanding of how amazing your offer is, but it will also give your ideal audience insight into why it's a no-brainer to say "yes" to this next step.

Whether you're making a social media post, on a discovery call, or you're creating a sales page you now can see that sales do not need to be overwhelming. Actually, as I started to lean in and learn these things, I started to be more intentional about making sure that I was speaking to each of these components so that I was meeting my audience where they were at, and I was selling from my soul in a way that felt fair and aligned. It was also such a blessing for my audience to see as well. What i am going to challenge you to do is I'm going to challenge you to take this information and begin to apply it to your sales process. Watch how things change!


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